The dietary supplement Vladonix contains a complex of low-molecular peptides with molecular weight up to 5000 Da, isolated from thymus of young animals – calves aged up to 12 months. Vladonix is manufactured in the form of capsules with a content of active substances 10 mg.
Experimental studies have shown that the peptides possess tissue-specific action on the cells of the tissues from which they were isolated. Vladonix peptides regulate metabolism processes in the immune system cells, they restore the immunological reactivity that has been infringed; stimulate regeneration processes in case of their inhibition. Thus it is possible to extrapolate efficiency of Vladonix for restoration of immune system function at different purulent-inflammatory and other diseases, characterized by suppression of the immune status of the patients.
It is well known, that various factors of physical, chemical and biological nature depending on duration and intensity of their influence on human organism, can result in deterioration of adaptation and compensatory mechanisms and may cause profound disorders of various segments of the immune protection system (2, 3). Pathological changes of the immune system, as a rule, results in long-term course of basic disease with a tendency to relapses, reduction in resistance of the organism to infections and severe complications.
Among the drugs, promoting recovery of immunological reactivity, are immunomodulator drugs of various origin: enzyme preparations (tripsin, lysocim), bacterial polysaccharides (pyrogenal, prodigiosan), yeast polysaccharides (zymosan, glucanes, prepermil, dextranes), vaccines (BCG), nucleic acid preparations (sodium nucleinate), purine and pyrimidine derivatives, levamisol, diucifon, traditional medicine preparations and many others (1, 2).
The clinical studies of Vladonix were carried out at the Medical Center of the Saint Petersburg Institute of Bioregulation and Gerontology in patients after long-term low-dose ionizing radiation influence, including oncological patients after radiation and chemotherapy during the period from November 2005 till February 2006. The subjects of the clinical studies were 42 patients (23 men and 19 women) – apart from general purpose medicines they were taking Vladonix per os before meal 1-3 capsules 2-3 times a day for 15-20 days depending on a degree of immune status disturbances. The patients of the control group have been taking general purpose medicines only. The age of patients has made from 34 up to 65 years. Distribution of the patients by clinical entities, sex and age is shown in the table 1.
Distribution of the patients by clinical entities, sex and age
Vladonix efficiency was assessed by changes of the patients’ complaints and by the number of objective parameters: general clinical analysis of blood and urine, immunological study of peripheral blood (number of T- and B-lymphocytes was determined by immunofluorescence method with monoclonal antibodies to differentiation lymphocyte antigens CD3, CD4, CD8, CD20; content of various classes immunoglobulins – using a method of radial immune diffusion in a gel using Mancini method; functional activity of T-lymphocytes – using leukocyte migration inhibition test (LMIT) with ConA).
The tests performed have shown, that 92 % of persons, living in the environmentally neglected territory, have immune status disorders in the form of decrease in the number of CD3+, CD4+cells, at insufficient increase in the number of lymphocytes with CD8+phenotype, which is a sign of decrease of the immune reactivity level (CD4+/CD8+). The results of LMIT with ConA characterize a decrease in functional activity of T-lymphocytes (mostly CD8+, i.e. T-suppressors/killers). The number of CD20+-cells, being a subpopulation of B-lymphocytes, was not different from normal values, but at the same time there was an increase in the number of M and G immunoglobulins in blood serum (table 2).
It is important to note that quantitative indicators of content of CD3+ and CD4+ cells are typical for lower limits of physiological changes of their number in the patients of such age that is a possible sign of premature ageing of the immune system. As a rule people with secondary immune-deficiency condition has intense asthenic syndrome and considerable changes of cardiovascular system.
Vladonix influence of the cellular and humoral immunity parameters in patients, who have undergone low-dose ionizing radiation influence
The results of the test performed provide strong evidence of the fact, that Vladonix is an effective mean for correction of secondary immune deficiency, being a response to influence of extreme factors. Administration of Vladonix together with symptomatic means has helped to normalize infringed parameters of immune system in 78 % of cases. According to the data provided, the highest effect observed of Vladonix administration was identified in subpopulations of T-lymphocytes and in their functional activity (reliable increase in the number of CD3+- and CD4+-lymphocytes, normalization of CD4+/CD8+ratio). Less intense reaction was notices in B-system, probably, due to its higher conservativity.
After the treatment course using Vladonix, the patients, which have noticed considerable improvement of general condition and decrease in intensity of asthenic syndrome, always parallel to secondary immune deficiency. Oncological patients after radiation and chemotherapy had increased normalization of immunological indices, which resulted in improvement of general condition and decrease in the rate of complications. What stands out in the report is the fact, that patients of the basic group tolerated radiation and chemotherapy better and was able to finish the whole course of treatment (control group – 79 %).
Clinical studies have shown, that Vladonix promotes normalization of cellular immunity parameters, stimulated tissue regeneration processes in case of their inhibition, does not result in any side effects, complications and drug dependence, and can be used for treatment and prophylaxis in parallel with any means of symptomatic and pathogenetic therapy, used for correction of secondary immune deficiency conditions (immune modulators, adaptogens, vitamins etc.). Vladonix is recommended for acceleration of restoration of the immune system functions after the infectious diseases, radiation and chemotherapy, influence on the organism of various extreme factors (including ionizing and UHF-radiation). It’s also recommended to elderly people for maintenance of the immune system function.
It is recommended to take Vladonix per os 10-15 minutes before meal 1-3 capsules, 2-3 times a day for 20-30 days. It may be desired to have one more course in 3-6 months. The clinical study showed no side effects, complications, contraindications and drug dependence of Vladonix.
You can purchase original Khavinson peptide bioregulators from the official US distributor below.
The dietary supplement Cerluten contains a complex of low-molecular peptides with molecular weight up to 5 000 Da, isolated from the brain tissues of young animals – calves aged up to 12 months. Cerluten is manufactured in the form of capsules with a content of active substances of 10 mg.
Experimental studies have shown that the peptides possess tissue-specific action on the cells of the tissues from which they were isolated. Cerluten peptides regulate metabolism processes in the brain cells, increase brain safety margins, having a favorable effect on the organism adaptation processes in extreme conditions, the possess anti-oxidative properties, regulating peroxide oxidation processes in the brain cortex. So it is possible to extrapolate an efficiency of administration of Cerluten for restoration of the function of the central nervous system and its disorders of various origins.
Treatment of central nervous system diseases is of specific urgency, because they lead to social adaptation disorder and invalidation of patients (2). Now the treatment of patients with disease of central nervous system diseases in view of pathogenetic mechanisms is carried out using the following traditional therapeutic agents of various action types(1, 3):
Influence on metabolism and integrative functions of the brain (cerebrolysin, piracetam, encephalolysate). Normalization of cerebral and systemic circulation (stugeron, vinpocetine). Reduction of psychopathological signs (meridin, amitriptilin). Correction of changes of bioelectric activity of the brain (phenobarbital, convulex). Influence on liquorodynamic disorders (veroshpiron, furosemide). Prevention and inhibition of adhesive process (aloe, lidasa). Correction of immunopathological reactions (levamisole, tavegil). The clinical studies of Cerluten were carried out at the Medical Center of the Saint Petersburg Institute of Bioregulation and Gerontology of the Northwest Branch of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences in 48 patients with various diseases of central nervous system: long-term effects of craniocerebral injury (the prescription of the injuries was from 1 year to 10 years), state after stroke, vascular encephalopathias, decrease in mental capacity, memory, attention during the period from October 2003 till February 2004. Distribution of the patients by clinical entities, sex and age is shown in the table 1. The patients of the main group have been taking Cerluten in addition to the general purpose medicines – 1-2 capsules, 2-3 times a day before meal for 10-20 days depending on intensity of the pathological process.
The control group consisted of 37 similar patients, which have only general purpose treatment. All the patients have been taking symptomatic and pathogenetic drugs, these drugs have resulted in short-term therapeutic effect, which required increase in a dose of the drugs per treatment course and duration of their administration.
Distribution of the patients by clinical entities, sex and age
Examination methods
Cerluten efficiency was assessed by dynamics of subjective parameters and objectively, using correction task and electroencephalography (EEG) methods.
Examination results
After administration of Cerluten in patients of the main group the clinical result was observed in 64.6% of cases, satisfactory – in 22.9%, absence of positive effect – in 12.5% of cases (control group – table 2). There were no negative influences of Cerluten on a condition of the patients.
Cerluten efficiency in patients with diseases of central nervous system
At comparison of subjective parameters of the condition of the patients before and after use of Cerluten it was established that the number of health complaints was 2-3 times less. The patients have noticed memory impairment, intelligence impairment, decrease in intensity and duration of headache, emotional disbalance, endurance and stamina, feeling of rest after night sleep (table 3). In patients with consequences of craniocerebral injury and stroke there was a moderate regression of focal symptoms, improvement of speech function at motor and sensor aphasia, decrease in muscular spasticity. Comparative assessment of influence of Cerluten and other methods of treatment on the integral function of the brain – attention and bioelectric activity of the brain was assesses using correction task and electroencephalography accordingly.
Influence of Cerluten on subjective parameters of the state of health of the patients.
Influence of Cerluten on the dynamics of parameters of carrying out of correction task by the patients with diseases of central nervous system
The results of carrying out by the patients of the correction task after treatment using various methods are shown in table 4. According to the table, the patients after treatment using Cerluten have higher number of symbols viewed and lower number of errors. The patients of the main group have received better results at analysis of the dynamics of carrying out of correction task before and after the treatment in comparison with the patients of the control group. It was expressed by absence of violent oscillations of the number of the symbols viewed per similar time periods, presence of “warming-up” period to the middle of the task performance and gradual decline of the curve to the end of the task, which is a sign of highest attention stability after treatment. Assessment of Cerluten influence on bioelectric activity of the brain was carried out using visual analysis of EEG with distribution by types and calculation of alpha index before and after the treatment. EEG was carried out selectively to the patients with more expressed signs of pathological processes. The examination results are shown in the table 5.
Cerluten influence on electorencephalogram type characteristic in patients with diseases of central nervous system
Before treatment the people examined in various groups predominantly had pathological EEG types (III, IV, V). III type of EEG was characterized by so called non-dominant curve at low amplitude level (below 30-35 mcV), presence of irregular alpha-activity or even its absence. IV type of EEG was characterized by particularly emphasized regularity of the rhythms, blurring of zonal differences. V type of EEG was characterized by presence of irregular slow activity with an amplitude over 35 mcV, sharp waves, paroxysmal discharges. Patients after treatment using Cerluten had most intense changes of brain bioelectric activity. Is was seen on EEG first of all in the form of more clear modulation and restoration of zonal differences of alpha-rhythm, decrease in intensity of irritative processes, in some cases – elimination of paroxysmal discharges.
Cerluten influence on the dynamic of alpha index changes in patients with diseases of central nervous system
Besides visual EEG assessment there was a calculation of alpha index in patients before and after treatment (table 6). It was established that under the influence of the treatment there was a reliable increase in the alpha index in the patients of the groups examined. However the decree of change of alpha index in patients, receiving different treatment was different. Alpha-index value was reliably higher in the group of patients after treatment using Cerluten® in comparison with the parameters in other groups.
On the basis of the data received it is justifiably to draw a conclusion that activation of reserve capacity of the brain cortex using Cerluten helps to improve integral functions of the brain. Thus the results of clinical study testify the efficiency and expediency of use of Cerluten for complex treatment and prophylaxis of the diseases of the central nervous system of various origins. Cerluten does not result in side effects, complications and drug dependence; there were no contraindications for carrying out of clinical studies. Cerluten can be used for treatment and prophylaxis, including in combination with any means of symptomatic therapy, used for neurological practice (vascular, nootropic, resolving, anticonvulsants, vitamins etc.)
Recommendations for use
Cerluten is recommended for acceleration of restoration of the brain functions after the craniocerebral injury, stroke, intellectual disorders and the influence on the organism of various extreme factors. It’s also indicated to elderly people for maintenance of the mental capacity. It is recommended to take Cerluten per os 10-15 minutes before meals 1-2 capsules 2-3 times a day for 10-30 days. It may be desired to have one more course in 3-6 months. There are no contraindications and side effects for Cerluten administration.
You can purchase original Khavinson peptide bioregulators from the official US distributor below.
The dietary supplement Ventfort contains a complex of low-molecular peptides with molecular weight up to 5000 Da, isolated from the vascular (aorta) tissue of young animals – calves aged up to 12 months. Ventfort is manufactures in the form of tablets or capsules with a content of active substances 10 mg.
Experimental studies have shown that the peptides possess tissue-specific action on the cells of the tissues from which they were isolated. They improve trophism of the vascular wall cells and provide regulating action on the metabolic processes in them, provide normalization of functional and morphological changes in the vascular wall, they regulate blood content of cholesterol and lipoproteins, thus decreasing a risk of various vascular defects. So it is possible to extrapolate an efficiency of use of Ventfort for recovery of vascular function at various diseases, including vascular atherosclerosis.
Atherosclerosis and its consequences is one of the main causes of invalidation and death in developed countries. Age related changes of vascular wall and hemodynamic disorders results in decrease of peripheral blood flow, vascularization of bodies and tissues, development of various components of oxygen insufficiency and trophesies. (2, 3, 4, 6).
Drug treatment of atherosclerosis is aimed at normalization of lipid metabolism, blood coagulation processes and metabolism in the vascular walls (1, 5).
Medicines, which normalize cholesterol and b-lipoproteins level. Those drugs which prevent cholesterol absorption in intestines, (cholestiramin, b-sitosterol, diosponine, polysponine). Drugs which affect cholesterol synthesis in an organism, (clofibrate, miscleron, regardin, cetamifen, nicotinic acid, vitamin PP); Those drugs which increase disintegration and excretion of cholesterol from an organism (linetol, arachiden).
Others that improve microcirculation and normalize vascular permeability, decrease edema of vascular tissues and improving metabolic processes in the vascular walls (prodectine, dicynon, doxium, glivenol, escusane etc.)
The clinical studies of Ventfort were carried out at the Medical Center of the Saint Petersburg Institute of Bioregulation and Gerontology in patients with atherosclerosis of various arteries and senile purpura during the period from November 2005 till February 2006.
Clinical characteristic of the patients
The subjects of the clinical studies were 49 patients with arterial atherosclerosis and senile purpura, 27 of them were the main group (15 men and 12 women) – they were additionally prescribed Ventfort per os 10-15 minutes before meal 1-2 capsules 2-3 times a day for 10-15 days depending on a degree of pathological process. 22 patients (11 men and 11 women) in the control group have been taking only general purpose medicines. The age of both groups of patients has made from 52 up to 84 years old.
The patients of both groups have various clinical signs depending on affection of various caliber vessels: essential hypertension, ischemic heart disease, cerebrovascular disorders with memory impairment, clouded sensorium and affective liability. All the patients had progressive dynamics of pathogenic pathway. All the patients have been taking symptomatic and pathogenic therapy for specific clinical signs of vascular pathology.
Distribution of the patients by clinical entities, sex and age
Examination methods
The patient complaints were assessed and compared, general clinical studies of blood and urine were carried out together with blood biochemical test using “REFLOTRON” device (Boehringer Mannheim, Germany). Blood coagulogram and tourniquet Hesse testing were carried out with a purpose of homeostasis assessment.
Examination results
It was established that Ventfort administration in patients with arterial atherosclerosis has resulted in improvement of general state of health, especially in patients with cerebrovascular disorders. As you can see in the table 2, Ventfort administration has resulted in reliable decrease in the level of general blood cholesterol. There were also a tendency towards decrease in the content of very little density lipoproteins, being most atherogenic. The patients with senile purpura after Ventfort administration had an increase in strength of capillary walls according to the results of Hesse testing, the frequency of hemorrhages has decreased. In most patients the skin and hair condition has improved.
Influence of Ventfort on the lipid metabolism values in patients with arterial atherosclerosis
Ventfort administration in patients with senile purpura has resulted in improvement of skin condition and in increase in strength of capillaries, confirmed by Hesse test results. The frequency of hemorrhage marks has decreased.
Thus the results of the study performed testify therapeutic efficiency of Ventfort and expediency of its application as a part of complex treatment of atherosclerosis and vascular pathology. Ventfort administration has not resulted in any side effects, complications, contraindications and drug dependence. Ventfort is convenient for administration in hospital, out-patient conditions and at home. Ventfort can be used as medical and preventive mean in the form of biologicall active food additive in the form of adjunct for complex therapy of vascular atherosclerosis and improvement of microcirculation in different tissues in combination with any means of symptomatic and pathogenetic therapy.
The biologically active peptide bioregulator Ventfort provides regulation of blood cholesterol and lipoproteins contents and promotes improvement of vascular wall condition. Ventfort is well tolerated at oral administration, does not have any side effects, does not have any contraindication and can be used as an adjunct to complex treatment and prophylaxis of vascular disorders of various geneses.
Ventfort is recommended for improvement of the function of vascular wall in case of atherosclerosis, microcirculation disorders in the bodies and tissues art various diseases, influence on the organism of various extreme factors. It is also recommended to elderly people for maintenance of the vascular system function.
Recommended dosage
Per os 10-15 minutes before meal 1-3 capsules, 2-3 times a day for 10-20 days. It is expedient to carry out the treatment courses every 3-6 months.
You can purchase original Khavinson peptide bioregulators from the official US distributor below.
Belousov Y.B., Moiseev V.S., Lepakhin V.K. Clinical pharmacology and pharmacotherapy: Manual for doctors. – M.: Universum, 1993. – 398 pages.
Blood diseases in elederly people: Translated from English/ Edited by M. G. Danham, I. Chanarina. – M.: Medicine, 1989. – 352 pages.
Hormones and vascular diseases: Translated from English/ Edited by R.M. Grrenhalg M.: Medicine, 1984. – 344 pages.
Korkushko O.V. Cardiovascular system and age. – M.: Medicine, 1983. – 176 pages.
Mashkovsky M.D. Medicines: Pharmacotherapy for doctors, manual: 2 parts. – Vilnius: ZAO “Gamta”, 1993.
The dietary supplement Suprefort is a complex of low-molecular peptides with molecular weight up to 5000 Da, isolated from pancreas of young animals – calves aged up to 12 months. Isolated peptides possess tissue-specific action to pancreas cell tissue, thus restoring metabolism and normalizing its functional activity.
Suprefort is manufactured in the form of capsules, containing 10 mg of active peptides. Suprefort was administered per os 10-15 minutes before meal 1-2 capsules 2 times a day for 10-20 days depending on severity of the pathological process.
The clinical studies of Suprefort were carried out at the Medical Center of the Saint Petersburg Institute of Bioregulation and Gerontology in patients with Chronic pancreatitis in the state of remission and in patients with Diabetes mellitus II during the period from November 2005 till January 2006.
Deregulation of physiological functions and pathological changes in pancreas result in diseases with signs of nutrition and metabolism disorders. Consequences of progressive inflammatory process in pancreas are, as a rule, dystrophic processes accompanied with disorders of excretion of digestive pancreatic enzymes, characteristic for chronic pancreatitis. In the presence of disorders of insulin secretion, the patient has symptoms of ‘secondary’ diabetes mellitus.
Diabetes mellitus is one of most widespread endocrine diseases: about 1-2% of Earth’s population has it. Besides there are same amount of people with occult diabetes and genetically predisposed to this disease. The diabetes signs in any single case are integrated reaction to mutual action of multiple factors with various combinations (genetic predisposition, chemical and infectious agents of environment, autoimmune processes, nutrition, physical activity, psychological stresses etc.). Detection of new syndromes (diabetes, caused by formation of antibodies to insulin receptors; diabetes caused by genetic defects of insulin structure etc.) is a reason of constant necessity of addition of disease classification. Potential, latent and asymptomatic forms of the diseases without clinical symptoms require special attention concerning prognosis, prophylaxis and treatment (1, 3, 6, 7, 8). Treatment of chronic pancreatitis is based mainly on diet and enzyme preparations (pancreatin, pansinorm) etc. (5) Treatment of diabetes mellitus without clinical signs requires diet therapy and phytotherapy (2, 4).
Clinical characteristic of the patients
Distribution of the patients by diagnoses, sex and age is shown in the table 1. Treatment using Suprefort was carried out in 34 patients (18 male and 16 female) with diagnoses ‘Chronic pancreatitis, latent form’ (12 persons) and ‘Diabetes mellitus II type, latent form’ (22 persons). The patients with chronic pancreatitis were complaining of the loss of appetite, eructation, meteorism, borborygmus, stool disorders. Two groups of patients were formed using random sampling technique, in these groups the patients have similar sex, age and diagnosis: the basic group included 12 patients (8 men, 4 women), control group – 8 patients (4 men, 4 women).
Distribution of the patients by diagnosis, sex and age
The patients of the control group have been taking general purpose medicines. The patients of the main group have been taking Suprefort in addition to the general purpose medicines – 1-2 capsules, 2 times a day before meal for 15 days. Diabetes mellitus II in the patients was not accompanied by any clinical signs and was diagnosed on the basis of an increase in glucose level in peripheral blood in view of unbalanced diet. Control group included 17 patients, who have been taking general purpose medicines. 22 patients of the main group have also been taking Suprefort in addition to the general purpose medicines – 1 capsule, 2 times a day before meal for 15 days.
Examination methods
The patient complaints were assessed and compared, general clinical studies of blood and urine were carried out together with blood biochemical test using ‘REFLOTRON’ device, (Boehringer Mannheim, Germany). Duodenal content was examined. Glucose tolerance test was carries out.
Examination results
It was established that administration of Suprefort in patients with chronic pancreatitis resulted in increase in appetite and decrease in the rate of dyspepsia.
Suprefort influence of activity of digestive enzymes in patients with chronic pancreatitis
Laboratory assessment of duodenal content has shown initial decrease in activity of pancreatic enzymes (table 2). After Suprefort administration there is tendency toward increase in activity of pancreatic enzymes, which correlated with improved clinical symptoms.
Suprefort in patients with diabetes mellitus II was administered in parallel with glucose tolerance test. It was established that after glucose challenge the patients had characteristic glycemic curve. The patients of the main group have also been taking Suprefort in addition to the general purpose medicines – 1 capsule, 2 times a day before meal for 10 days. It was shown, that after Suprefort administration the test carried out in 2 hours after beginning of the study showed gradual decrease in the glucose level. In 5-10 days after beginning of the treatment course the patients had normal glucose levels. None of the patients had increased dosage of blood glucose lowering drugs, 12 patients (54,5%) were using decreased levels of general purpose medicines and in 7 patients (31,8%) the blood glucose level was below normal values without blood glucose lowering drugs. In 3 patients (13,6%) the parameters remained at the initial level. It is worth noting the stabilization of the blood glucose parameter in the patients of the main group within next 2-3 month after the end of treatment (table 3).
Suprefort influence on blood glucose values after glucose loading in patients with diabetes mellitus II
In patients of the control group, who have been taking general purpose blood glucose lowering drugs, it was not possible to lower the dosage of the medicines, and in 9 patients (52,9%) the dosage of blood glucose lowering drugs was increased with a purpose of normalization of content of blood glucose. Thus the results of the clinical study obtained confirm an efficiency of Suprefort and expediency of its use in complex treatment of the patients with chronic pancreatitis and diabetes mellitus II.
Suprefort does not result in side effects, complications and drug dependence. Suprefort is convenient for administration in hospital, out-patient conditions and at home. Suprefort can be used as medical and preventive mean in the form of biological active food additive and in the form of adjunct in combination with any means of symptomatic and pathogenetic therapy, used for treatment of patients with chronic pancreatitis and other diabetes mellitus II.
The dietary supplement Suprefort normalizes functional activity of pancreas cells. Suprefort is well tolerated by patients at oral administration; it does not result in any side effects and can be widely used as a treatment and prophylactic biologically active food additive for complex treatment of pancreatic function disorders.
Recommended Suprefort dosage
In patients with chronic pancreatitis – per os 10-15 minutes before meal 1-2 capsules, 2 times a day for 15 days. In patients with diabetes mellitus – per os 10-15 minutes before meal 1 capsule, 2 times a day for 15 days in parallel with blood glucose monitoring. It is expedient to carry out another treatment course in 3-6 month if needed.
You can purchase original Khavinson peptide bioregulators from the official US distributor below.
Balabolkin M.I. Diabetes mellitus / Endocrine disorders // Diagnostics and treatment of internal diseases: Manual for doctors. – Edited by F.I.Komarova. – M.: Medicine, 1991. – V. 2. – pages 465-492.
Belousov Y.B., Moiseev V.S., Lepakhin V.K. Clinical pharmacology and pharmacotherapy: Manual for doctors. – M.: Universum, 1993. – 398 pages
Getting the perfect amount of glow and radiant skin might seem achievable only through spending a pretty penny on every beauty product ad served to you…but it doesn’t have to be that way. Almost all vitamins A through D hold some cosmetic value. So ditch the overstocked beauty product shelf and try some of these inexpensive (and healthy) alternatives!
Vitamin A
Vitamin Ais responsible for protecting and healing skin. Today, a key ingredient in beauty products called retinoid is a derivative of Vitamin A and helps prevent wrinkles, cure brown spots, and smooth rough skin. Retinoid is also used in many acne treatments, adding to its reputation as both a protector and preventer.
Vitamin B-Complex
B-complex vitamins, in general, are essential for overall beauty health. B-complex vitamins are also known as antioxidants, beneficial for hair, skin, and nail health. B vitamins improve keratin levels in the body, which is essential for promoting healthy, hydrated skin. B-complex vitamins are available in many different foods, such as red meat, poultry, and other dairy products. B-complex vitamins are arguably the best vitamins for beauty.
Vitamin C
Vitamin C is vital for healthy, youthful, radiant skin. Like vitamin B-complex, vitamin C boosts collagen production, giving you firmer, clearer skin. Vitamin C can also provide surface defense against harmful UV damage. It also helps prevent the spread of free radicals in cells, which cause illnesses and other chronic conditions. In general, vitamin C is vital for providing a healthy lifestyle.
Vitamin D
Vitamin D is a vitamin we typically receive just by going outside. Exposure to sunlight is one of the main ways vitamin D enters our body. In terms of beauty, vitamin D can help save skin from acne and reduce wrinkles associated with aging and UV exposure, keeping your skin soft and smooth.
Vitamin E
Vitamin E is a fat-soluble vitamin that is found in a variety of food sources. It helps improve skin health by boosting collagen production in the body while simultaneously combating free radicals. Vitamin E is proven to be more effective when taken in unison with vitamin C. Vitamin E is most effective when taken as a topical skin condition.
Lycopene helps adjust skin texture. Assisting in the formation of collagen, Lycopene is exceptionally effective at preventing wrinkly skin. Few foods like watermelon and apricots contain Lycopene. Still, tomatoes are the largest natural source of the antioxidant. Beauty care products also offer Lycopene in topical creams and moisturizers.
Our bodies take the protein we eat and turn them into amino acids, creating more proteins such as collagen and keratin, which help structure our skin. Amino acids also help rid of old dying skin.
Healthy Fats
Healthy fats are what you think they are: fats that are healthy (what a concept). This how and why your skin gives off a “glow.” Not enough dietary fat can make skin wrinkled and dried out. Good sources of healthy fats include nuts, seeds, and fish. These fats differ from saturated fats because they are easier for your body to break down.
Zinc is one of the many essential nutrients your body needs to function properly. It helpsprotect your immune systemby combating free radicals. Zinc is fantastic for fighting acne due to its anti-inflammatory effects. Zinc can also help treat and prevent certain skin conditions such as melasma, rosacea, dermatitis, and eczema.
Vitamins and minerals aren’t just crucial for sustaining a healthy lifestyle; they can help promote a beautiful one as well. These vitamins and antioxidants, along with a healthy diet, can greatly help enhance already radiant skin, long and healthy hair, and robust nails, letting you show off your best you. There isn’t an “end all be all” for beauty products, but this is a good start.
This article was originally published at
While aging may not be the most pleasant experience, the memories, experiences, and life lessons we learn along the way are invaluable. But what if someone told you there are ways to stop, or at least limit, the symptoms of aging. With help from specific vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, we can help rewind our body’s biological clock by replenishing valuable nutrients that we lose with age. That being said, aging is inevitable, and symptoms are almost impossible to avoid altogether. If anything, utilizing this collection of nutrients can help improve quality of life and raise bodily optimization.
What Happens When We Age?
As we age, our body stops producing certain chemical compounds previously in excess when we were younger. Additionally, our telomeres shorten with age. Telomeres help protect the ends of our chromosomes from deteriorating. When our telomeres shorten, our body’s cells go through a negative transformation that drastically affects an individual’s health and lifespan.
Shorter telomeres have been associated with an increased risk of disease and lower survival rates. Most of the symptoms related to aging are cognitive. Yes, our hair turns grey, and we start to get wrinkles, but the slow cognitive decline is the most reported and impactful result of aging. So let’s take a look at some supplements that can help reduce these effects.
Curcumin is the main active ingredient in turmeric. Turmeric is a spice that comes from the turmeric root and is used mostly in Asian dishes. Curcumin is rated highly for its powerful anti-aging effects due to its antioxidant properties.
Antioxidants are substances that help protect your cells against free radicals, which may play a role in heart disease, cancer, and other diseases.
Additionally, this antioxidant protects our cells from cellular senescence. Cellular senescence occurs when cells stop dividing, and as we age, these cells accumulate, accelerating aging and the progression of age-related diseases.
You can easily increase your curcumin intake by incorporating turmeric in dishes or by taking curcumin supplements!
Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) is another antioxidant that is self-produced by your body. It is responsible for energy production and protecting cells from damage. As we age, our levels of CoQ10 begin to decline, and symptoms such as fatigue and brain fog become more and more apparent.
In 2015, researchers ran an experiment to test the effects of supplemented CoQ10 in 443 older adults. The study found that supplementing CoQ10 and selenium (an element that aids metabolism) over four years improved their overall quality of life, reduced hospital visits, and slowed the deterioration of mental performance.
Though CoQ10 shows the potential to be a powerful anti-aging supplement, there still needs to be more research and definitive evidence before it can be recommended as a natural way to prevent aging. Make sure to talk to a health care professional before trying it out.
Vitamin B12
Ah, yes, trusty vitamin B12. This keystone vitamin aids our body in numerous ways, like keeping our nerve and blood cells healthy. Vitamin B12 also helps prevent a type of anemia called megaloblastic anemia that makes people tired and weak.
Aside from its “inner body benefits,” such as added energy and cognitive clarity, B12 can also aid our bodies cosmetically. It can help improve our appearance by reducing skin redness, inflammation, and dryness. It can also reduce hair breakage and help nails become stronger.
Our bodies don’t produce B12 naturally, but we can obtain it through various foods like fish, eggs, and chicken. Different types of vegetables, such as mushrooms, are high in B12 as well. B12 is also available as a daily supplement and can be found at your local pharmacy or natural food store.
Vitamin D
Weakening immune systems are a sure sign of aging. At some point, catching a common cold will have a much more significant impact than it did when we were younger. Thankfully, a new UK research study has found that Vitamin D can have a positive effect on the immune system and help offset some age-related health issues.
It is also widely accepted throughout the scientific community that vitamin D compounds protect the skin against the hazardous effects of many skin aging-inducing agents, including ultraviolet (UV) radiation.
You absorb vitamin D naturally through the sun’s rays, but vitamin D supplements are widely accessible at any pharmacy or vitamin shop if you want an extra boost.
And last, but certainly not least, NAD+ . Yes, we know this isn’t a vitamin or antioxidant, but its potential is something we cannot overlook. Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, or NAD+, is one of the most potent anti-aging molecules you can put into your body. In short, NAD+ keeps your cells “young” and helps to rewind your biological clock.
NAD+ is relatively new on the scene. As of right now, the FDA has only given the green light for oral NAD+ supplements. However, injecting NAD+ intravenously is a very efficient way to receive the nutrient, as it allows for almost 100% bioavailability.
NAD+ can last anywhere from two to six hours and has been reported by some as being quite uncomfortable. Some patients have reported nausea, chest tightness, and lightheadedness. Fortunately, these symptoms are short-lived and pretty much counteracted by the lasting impact on energy levels, mental clarity, and overall sense of rekindled youth.
Aging is inevitable, we all know that. As we age our body slowly stops performing at maximum efficiency and there is no way around that. These supplements and are in no way the “end all be all” for aging symptoms, but what they do provide is a higher quality of life and, at the very least, help to manage current and future symptoms of aging.
This article was originally published at
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An interview with Vladimir Khackelevich Khavinson, the President of the European section of the International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics (IAGG), an associate member of the Russian Ministry of Health, the Director of the St.Petersburg’s Institute of Bioregulation and Gerontology of the North Western Department of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, the Honoured Inventor of the Russian Federation, a Professor and a Doctor of Medical Science.
• Mr Khavinson, in our talks you mention that the species life span limit of a human is 110-120 years. Why a contemporary person who lives in the age of intensive economic growth, crucial medical and scientific inventions is still not able to reach this limit? Which factors affect premature ageing and depletion of our organism resources?
Well, first of all you probably know there are two notions – an average life span and a species life span limit for all organisms – mice, rats, apes, humans, elephants, tigers, etc. Indeed, a species life span of a human comprises 110-120 years. The world record in that respect belongs to a French woman, Jeanne Calment. Next, today there are 88 persons aged between 110 and 114. There is a special registry in the USA for centenarians – people who lived over 100 years. By the way, 85 out of these 88 are women, and only three of them are men. Today we have over 200 people who have already celebrated their 100th birthday. And all of this demonstrates that living to such an age is possible. However, the average life span, and I refer to the countries that are economically and otherwise stable, is approximately 80-85 years. These are the northern countries of Scandinavia, Japan and Canada. These are the countries where the state takes care of its people, the countries with a stable and long-continued economy. Russia and Ukraine, for instance, have had so many wars, revolutions, repressions and episodes of hunger that it must have affected genetics and everything else. So, the biggest influence comes from the social factors, two of them, to be precise: genetics and external impact. Harmony between the two is what defines our life span. Curiously enough, genetics is responsible only for 20-25 per cent, the rest comes from external factors, and these include correction with bioregulators. The level of culture, intelligence, and evolution define the life span. Biological factors, too: adequate nutrition, high quality water, physical activity. It should be a multisided, complex approach. However, humanity has not reached the point at which we would be able to use all the resources given to us by nature. And as we mentioned, it is natural for a human being to live to 100 years. We have many examples of persons who live well into their 90-ies and continue working. For instance, the academician Borys Paton, the President of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, is 92 and does well. At the moment this is more of an exception, but I believe that in the future our working capacity will be on the rise. Nowadays even Western Europe is concerned with the ways of integrating senior citizens into public life rather than mere leisure. In my opinion there should be no age limits in the domains of science, culture, and education. The only criterion should be the efficiency of a specific person’s work.
• Is there a system to fight premature ageing?
Of course there is – intellectual development is that system. Intellectual level is every person’s main doctor. If a person is not very sharp, consumes alcohol, smokes, eats junk food – it makes no sense to speak of longevity or medicine to create it; such person is hopeless, not to mention alcohol or drug addicts. Therefore, I repeat, gerontology starts with child care, it starts with the level of culture. We conducted research on long-living persons in St.Petersburg and it turned out that it was not whether a person drank tea or coffee, longevity occurred in people who had a rhythm of food intake. People who had breakfast, lunch and dinner at approximately the same time lived longer. We were quite surprised. Therefore, life style, culture level, timely medical examination, research and monitoring of sugar, cholesterol and cardiogram are essential and should be executed annually. In the future there will be a need for genetic passport. This means knowing the genes, having information about genetic predisposition for certain diseases that a person might have. All of that is necessary not for scaring the patients, but for for timely measures to protect organs and tissues in question. The medicine of our future is prophylactic, it deals with prophylactics of age pathology and postponing age diseases until 80-90 years. In this manner, a person can be useful for their own family, efficient for the society and the burden of retirement budget is minimized.
• We are informed that the Institute of Bioregulation and Gerontology, which you are the head of, develops extraordinary products that are able to help a healthy person with minor pathologies prolong their life span. Could you tell a little more about these products?
As a matter of fact, we develop the concept, not the product itself. This is a systematic approach, which is based on investigation of the processes of ageing. Various stress factors, extreme impacts, radiation, poisoning, injuries – all of that leads to slower synthesis of protein in various organs and tissues. First of all, it affects the brain, our immune system, endocrine system and so on. The products that are initially created by us, extracted from organs of animals – their immune system, brain, liver, pancreas, and cartilage – restore the synthesis of protein in those tissues that have been exposed to extreme factors of influence. Furthermore, ageing causes identical processes that are just spread in time. In other words, ageing is a gradual process of slowing down the protein synthesis, which leads to malfunctioning and death of an organism as a result. At first, peptides are extracted from calves and purified. This material is the basis for extraction and creation of active peptides. In our experiments, we achieved life spans prolonged by 20-40 per cent, depending on the model, by administering peptides to animals as they reached second half of their lives. We conducted 25 experiments, which is a unique volume that has never been reached, neither in the USA, Europe, nor Asia. Back then, 20-30 years ago, we had unlimited funding for this type of research, science was embracing enormous respect. Creating one product costs approximately 300-400 million dollars, in the USA this counts. This is why the best geroprotectors have been developed in St.Petersburg. What is it? Geroprotectors are the substances that slow down the process of ageing. These are the peptide molecules that we developed. And it is their systematic intake that is meant for people who reached their second half of life, so to speak, starting from approximately 40 years, but also for individuals who are exposed to extreme factors of influence, such as sportsmen. Take the national Olympic team in artistic gymnastics. Its head Irina Viner asked us to take care of her pupils’ health. Today we also have the rowing national team. It was established that the use of our bioregulators by these sportsmen increased their capacities. And what is sport? It is a continuous synthesis of protein; the result depends on the speed of the biochemical reactions. Peptides increase the speed of restoration of various substances that are necessary for protein synthesis and thus are extremely efficient in the sports domain. Therefore, peptides are useful for all people who are exposed to extreme factors of influence in one way or another, even in their 20-ies. Another example is Chernobyl in Ukraine, the whole territory that got contaminated. In my opinion, everyone who has been affected by radiation, regardless of their age, should by all means undergo a series of peptide bioregulatory courses, and in particular the product that restores the immune system, ‘Vladonix’. Moreover, this year we published a book dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the disaster in Chernobyl. This book discusses the assessment of our products’ effect on responders’ health. People who used the products for their immune system, the brain, their reproductive system, have a longer life span and a fewer cases of cancer. Moreover, we conducted additional experiments on animals to establish the link between oncogenic factors, radiation and cancer itself. It was determined that the use of immune system bioregulators, I refer to ‘Vladonix’, lead to a decreased number of cancer in animals that were previously exposed to oncogenes, a decrease of five times in case of breast cancer. Another set of experiments demonstrated a seven-fold decrease in tumor frequency. It is therefore crucial for the population of Ukraine that is geographically close to the zone of Chernobyl disaster to take ‘Vladoniks’ and other products from the complex of peptides.
• What are the potential side effects of peptides?
All our peptide bioregulators consist of peptides, and peptides consist of amino acids. All of that is part of our food. All of our bioregulators can be find in products – meat, fish, plant based protein food. Note the difference, I do not call our products drugs or food supplements, these are the bioregulators, that is, natural products that take part in the life circulation process. They can be found in all types of food, even plants have peptides. I am often asked about animals such as elephants or cows that consume no meat, yet are huge and healthy. These animals also consume protein and peptides, but the type that can be found in plant based food. Our partners extracted peptides from beetroot, carrots or other vegetables. Peptides, or amino acids, are present everywhere. This is why any side effects are simply impossible, even in theory, as peptides are elements of food. Indeed, if you eat 10 kilograms of strawberries, you might feel sick. The same here: if you eat a kilogram of our bioregulators, you are going to have a protein overload. But this is not a side effect of the product, this is a side effect of one’s recklessness.
• Is there a need to consult a specialist before taking bioregulators?
Since the given bioregulators are food elements, there is no need for consulting a specialist. One should consult common sense. For instance, we need no consultation before administering poly-vitamins. Our products are similar peptide substances that can in that respect be compared to vitamins.
• If a person cannot afford all types of bioregulators, what two-three types would you recommend?
It should definitely be the immune system, ‘Vladonix’ in particular, then the product for the brain, ‘Cerluten’, is very crucial, I hereby refer to the problems that people face at a certain age. Another extremely important product is ‘Sigumir’, the one for the cartilage. These three products are probably the most important ones as most pathologies are related to them.
• Mr. Khavinson, what about you? Do you and your relatives take peptide bioregulators?
My relatives are my father and my mother, I have their portraits in my office. My father lived to 92 years and died in an accident, he was still healthy, no heart attack, no blood stroke. My mother is 91, but she has had diabetes for 35 years, she had retinal damage. She has been taking these products for 25 years, my father was taking them for 20 years. According to my mother, she is so active only thanks to these products. I personally have been taking these products for 15 years, but I also take some of them as injections, some as capsules. Taking care of one’s health is extremely important. Over time, our health deteriorates and we do very little to protect it. And in fact, the older we get, the more additional effort should be paid to fight the nature’s destructive power.
• Another topical problem is oncology. There are over half a million cases of cancer registered in Russia annually. Can the peptide bioregulators minimize the risk and why?
Cancer is yet another problem with multiple causalities, it has many localization, but the main problem is of course the weakened function of immune system and in particular that of lymphocytes. At first, there is no cancer, there are certain cells that mutate, the oncogenic cells. The immune system blocks them as long as immune system functions properly. We get these mutated cells every day and immune system destroys them without any problem. As soon as our immune system gets weaker, it can no longer control the spread of these mutated cells and this is how cancer comes into existence. This is why administering peptides that stimulate the function of our immune system, and in particular regulate our thymus cell immunity, enables minimizing the risk of оncogenic diseases. I would like to stress that we are pioneers in that matter, it has just been published. We managed to demonstrate that administering the immune system peptides after exposure to various carcinogens minimized the risk of cancer by three to five times. This is a world record, our achievement. About 15 experiments have been run on several thousands of animals. So I would like to state that ‘Vladonix’, which is similar to ‘Timaline’ used by responders at the Chernobyl power plant, gives the opportunity to minimize the risk of cancer by several times. This is a statement made by the main gerontologist in Europe.
• What made you think of developing such a product?
Creating unique bioregulators? It takes a talent. People differ in their intellectual development, this depends on one’s talent as well as the level of education, upbringing and the societal climate. It is impossible to develop anything in troublesome times and places, take for instance Africa or some countries in Asia. There has to be a thorough infrastructure of the state, which enables education, which gives access to information, such as libraries, science schools, that sort of atmosphere. You know, once I happened to be in one Siberian town and met an academic there. He told me they conducted some serious experiments and were about to be nominated for the Nobel Prize. I was a doctor of sciences back then but I knew it already that his prediction would not come true. He wondered why and I told him ‘Because you have no critical mass of intellect here’. Big inventions never come out of nothing. The Hegelian dialectics of quality and quantity holds true. When I studied, I had a research base, I attended the Medical Military Academy, and prior to that I graduated from the Minsk Suvorov Military School with honors. I also was in the physiology department, which at some point was chaired by academician Pavlov, the laureate of the Nobel Prize. There were other professors, too. And as I walked the halls of that department as a second-year student of the Medical Military Academy, I have always claimed that I am the spiritual grandson of Pavlov. They transferred their knowledge to us. Therefore the place where you educate yourself is highly important. There is a huge difference in the level of education between a shabby institute somewhere in the outskirts and the Moscow State University. All the teachers at our Military Medical Academy were renowned professors and thanks to this access to information, as well as financial aid, inventions were possible. Such a multi-factorial result, so to speak.
• Is there any analogous product in the world?
Great question. We are the only institute in the world that has a full set of peptide bioregulators, thirty types. This is a unique collection. Of course, there are separate studies and development programmes, but we opened a system. Peptides are a system of signal molecules that regulate gene expression, differentiate cells and increase the life-sustaining resources. This is what our discovery is about.
• Vladimir, tell us, what is your Institute working on? What novel bioregulators can be expected in the near future?
We are currently working on approximately 50 various new peptides. We do not research them at the institute, this is simply impossible. This is a complex project and a total of eight countries are involved: Germany, Italy, France, Switzerland, the USA. Our employees cooperate with foreign employees who have sophisticated technology, newer methods. In Russia today it is unfortunately impossible to purchase all that equipment, for financial reasons. Moreover, it is also crucial to exchange ideas, to use knowledge for common purposes. It is this big-scale cooperation that enables us to keep discovering new products. As for the new products, we have one peptide that suppresses the growth of helicobacter pylori, a microbe that causes gastric ulcer and cancer. This peptide eliminates the microbe, not in the same manner as antibiotics do, but by stimulating the protective resource of stomach cells. This is a wonderful result. Or one of the brain peptides, developed in cooperation with the scientists from the Moscow State University. We investigated its effect in patients with hypoxia, for instance birth defects such as ICP. It was established that when administered during pregnancy, this peptide protects the brain cells. Another study carried out together with the associate member of Moscow State University, academician Vanjushin, demonstrates that peptides interact with the DNA. This interaction enables peptides to regulate the gene activity. Curiously enough, these peptides interact only with specific areas in the DNA depending on their structure. This is called a complementary peptide – DNA interaction, which is the key to life. Our peptides are the signal molecules that boost gene activity and facilitate full implementation of our genetic program.
• Is this method only for wealthy people or can an average person afford a prophylactic course of peptides?
You know, I support free medicine. The state should take care of its citizens’ health as was the case in the USSR, which was correct. Many wealthy states, by the way, have free medicine: the United Arab Emirates, Singapore. The state finances medicine and education. As for our health care system, it is like car brands: there is Zhiguli (old, cheap car) and there is Mercedes. These brands have multiple models and clients purchase a model that they can afford. The same goes for medicine: one can make a blood test, or a genetic analysis, buy certain products, maybe one, maybe three. This depends on one’s priorities. Our peptide program costs less than an individual spends on smoking and drinking each year. Therefore, it is affordable for everyone, but depending on their possibilities and priorities.
• What is a genetic passport?
DNA is extracted from a blood cell and then a group of laboratories deduces certain genes, let us call them a stroke gene, a gene of diabetes, a breast cancer gene, etc. These are the genes that indicate the potential for a disease. This does not mean one will get that disease 100 per cent, this is just a risk of getting it, a tendency – this is what genetic passport is about. Once there is such a passport, a GP or the patient can plan their actions.
• How do bioregulators correct these faulty genes that lead to stroke or diabetes?
Peptides interact with the DNA and minimize activity of that faulty gene, i.e. synthesis of particular proteins. And in case of a good gene that has been inactive, it is being stimulated and the synthesis of protein is restored. This is protein synthesis regulation.
• Who are the patients of your medical center?
We do not force anyone to come here. A person that has nothing to eat or drink is not interested in attending medical centers. I think that a person starts paying attention to their health once he or she has reached a certain level or position. Everything happens when the human brain matures, a human becomes an individual and starts thinking about their health, existence, further self-realization. A sick person has no time for self-realization. Why do I pay so much attention to my health? I do it so my body does not interfere with my brain. Once you get there, you really start thinking about health protection.
• What is your forecast on peptide pharmaceuticals and their development?
It is my forecast that in the next 10-15 years peptide pharmaceuticals will become the most crucial development in the world.
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