
Frequently Asked Questions About Can-C Products

Disclaimer: Please note that only your own physician can determine your precise needs, but in order to give you some information these answers are based upon the ‘average person’ and clinical/ published results.

Can-C contains a synthesised formulation of the anti-oxidant carnosine known as n-acetylcarnosine (NAC). NAC is based on the naturally occurring nutrient di-peptide carnosine (a combination of two amino-acids, or protein fragments). It is the key ingredient in Can-C cataract eye drops due to NAC’s potency at ‘mopping up’ free radicals. As the root of tissue damage and accelerated ageing in our bodies, free radicals are the main culprit behind the cataract condition.
Can C eye drops for cataracts contain NAC due to its robust characteristics. This is because carnosine’s ability to tackle free radicals and cataracts is blunted by the natural enzymes in the eye breaking carnosine down. However, NAC is highly resistant to this breakdown which, combined with the slow release characteristics of Can-C n-acetylcarnosine eye drops, makes them highly effective in the healing of cataracts.
Can-C carnosine eye drops also tackle the bodily process of glycation (also known as cross-linking) – another key factor behind ageing and the development of cataracts. This is where glucose leads to changes and a hardening of tissues over time. Can-C cataract eye drops deliver a powerful anti-oxidant boost to the eye – counteracting the natural decline of anti-oxidants as we grow older – to protect the eye lens proteins from free-radical induced deterioration.

The breakthrough behind Can-C and the introduction of n-acetylcarnosine eye drops took place in the early 1990s, with landmark research by the bio-physicist Dr Mark Babizhayev and a Russian research team.
Human trials on cataract sufferers, involving a twice daily dose of NAC formulated drops over a period of six months, produced remarkable results. The research revealed that:
•88.9 per cent of patients had improved glare sensitivity (which is a general decline in the sharpness of objects and surroundings –things literally becoming a bit fuzzy around the edges);
•90 per cent reported improved visual acuity – clearer and sharper vision;
•Perhaps most significantly, in that cataracts are characterised by a clouding of the eye lens, 41 per cent of patients experienced a significant improvement in lens ‘transmissivity’.
And while the patients were taking the NAC carnosine eye drops, Dr Babizhayev noted that there was no recurrence of cataract development. He further reported that drug tolerance was good – there were no side effects, based on the dosage of 1% NAC.

Age-related or ‘senile’ cataract is a progressive eye condition affecting the lens of the eye. As we get older, the lens may become hard, opaque and cloudy. This process affects the amount of light which reaches the inside of our eye – and in turn, the quality of our vision. 
If left alone, cataracts lead to sight loss and eventual blindness. A staggering number of people lose their sight to cataracts: there are 17 million worldwide, with 28,000 new cases reported every day. 
Cataracts most commonly affect older people. In the US, for example, around 25% of people aged over 65 encounter a significant loss of vision due to cataracts. And this rises to 50% for people over the age of 80. 
Surgery is often sought as a solution, and cataract removal is widely recognized as one of the safest operations in the world today.
But the operation does carry risks. In the US, around 30 to 50% of patients undergoing cataract removal require further laser treatment within two years. And of the 1.35 million people in the States who have the operation every year, around 2% (approximately 27,000 people) develop serious complications following cataract surgery. 
As we’ve discovered, tissue-damaging free radicals are a key factor behind the development of cataracts. This is compounded by a process known as glycation, where our tissues react with the glucose in our bodies to alter and stiffen over time. Together, free radicals and glycation create a ‘double whammy’ effect. They allow the proteins in our eyes to bind together, developing a film that blocks light and impairs vision. 
Can-C’s powerful N-acetylcarnosine (NAC) compound has been proven to reduce both free radical and glycation development – one of the reasons it has been heralded as a breakthrough in the healing of cataracts and other degenerative eye conditions.

Cataracts are inextricably linked with the ageing process. As we grow older, our eye lenses have a tendency to become hard, opaque and cloudy. Less light reaching the center of the eye affects our vision and over time, can result in sight loss and eventual blindness.
Cataracts are a global concern – around 3.8 million people in India alone lose their sight to the condition every year, with an estimated 5 million worldwide.
Cataract surgery is a widely used and safe solution. In fact there are more than one million cataract operations each year in the US alone.
While a trusted and sound solution, it is still, nonetheless, a surgical procedure – carrying with it inherent risks (however small). For example in the United States 30% to 50% of all patients that have cataract surgery, develop opacification of the posterior lens capsule and require further laser treatment.
Aside from this the potential costs of surgery are high (around $3500 per eye for cataract surgery in the US).

Can-C’s formula is the one perfected and patented by Dr Babizhayev and his team – who tried, tested and rejected many other forms of carnosine during their extensive research.
Only Can-C contains these precise formulations of n-acetylcarosine and other key ingredients, making it such a powerful ally in the non-surgical, non-invasive reversal of cataracts.

N-acetylcarnosine eye-drops have been shown to have measurable affects within only 1-month of use. However, it is recommended that for maximum efficacy, that administration be continued for a period not less than 3-5 months. In addition, the drops’ effectiveness is increased the sooner they are used after a cataract is detected.
Also, considering that senile cataracts are an on-going aging disorder. N-acetylcarnosine may be required on a regular basis to help maintain the eye’s natural anti-oxidant defenses.

We do not recommend that the Can-C™ eye-drops are combined with lutein (unless a patient has a cataract associated with a retinal disorder), this is because lutein appears to block the receptor sites and may lower the efficacy of the results. You should stop taking lutein for at least the first 6 months but that after this period they may be started again. This is because Can-C does the majority of its restorative work in that period and thereafter it is maintenance, thus a reduced efficacy is not so essential.

The same is true for zeaxanthin; however we are not aware of contraindications with astaxanthin.

The only known contraindication is with lutein competing with the same receptors in the eye as the n-acetylcarnosine. This does not mean that the combined intake of lutein with use of Can-C Eye drops would invalidate the effectiveness, but it’s efficacy could be reduced which may mean a longer treatment time.

To date there have been no noted contraindications or side effects noted with the use of other eye-drops combined with Can-C™, but naturally as there are so many versions, not all eye-drops have been tested along with the same. Dr. Mark Babizayev (the inventor of the technology) has stated that beta blocker eye-drops used for glaucoma may actually have additional benefit when combined with Can-C to help further reduce the intraocular pressure.

Can-C has been sold since 2001 and in that time has helped thousands of people cure their senile cataracts without painful surgery. In fact it is estimated that there have been 50,000 documented patient cases of Can-C use.

It is Dr. Babizhayev’s assertion that certain substances, including vitamins A and E inhibit the conversion process of the NAC into L-carnosine INSIDE the aqueous humor of the eye. He does not endorse them – rather the opposite (at least when used topically, however if vitamin A or E are taken orally there is no contraindication).
It is interesting to note that the copycat products have now stopped adding A and E to their formula, they simply do not understand how this technology performs.

Can-C™ is packaged for relief of dry eyes; it is not an approved drug to ‘treat cataracts’ in the eyes of the FDA. The suggestion refers to the uses and clinical trials that the Russians have performed.
Can-C is not approved as a drug by the FDA because no submission has been made to do so, the requirements for drug approval are so costly that a molecule patent is required beforehand, as Can-C is a natural product, it is extremely difficult to obtain a patent for a natural molecule and hence the process doesn’t get started.

Firstly, Can-C™ is the original eye-drop that mimics the research by the Russians, it is also the only version approved and patented by Innovative Vision Products (IVP), who conducted those clinical trials.
The source of the N-acetylcarnosine in Can-C™ is unique. It is made to a very specific purity in Japan and is the one used in the clinical trials. This is because the Russians found that only a specific purity value was efficacious, this source is only available in Can-C.

There are no animal ingredients in Can-C eye drops, all are 100% plant based; therefore the product is suitable for both vegetarians and vegans.

Further studies have demonstrated the wider benefits of Can-C eye drops. A Russian study of patients aged 48 to 60, with no cataract problems but varying degrees of eye impairment – revealed significant benefits through use of the NAC drops. Eye tiredness was eliminated and vision boosted, while the subjects reported the drops ‘brightened’ and ‘relaxed’ their eyes.
And although information has yet to be published on other conditions, Can-C’s N-acetylcarnosine formula could also help with a variety of eye conditions including:

  *Presbyopia (an age-related condition, where we lose the ability to focus on near objects)
  *Open-angle primary glaucoma (in combination with beta-blockers)
  *Corneal disorders
  *Computer vision syndrome
  *Eye strain
  *Ocular inflammation
  *Blurred vision
  *Dry eye syndrome
  *Retinal diseases
  *Vitreous opacities and lesions (a degenerative eye condition which may include spots or ‘floaters’ in the eye affecting vision).
  *Complications caused by diabetes mellitus and other systemic diseases
  *Contact lens problems and enhanced comfort (in particular, the NAC formulation is believed to reduce the build up of lactic acid in the eye – boosting comfort and enabling the lens to be left in the eye for longer).

We are finding that in some cases that the cataract after reversal is approximately the same size or in some cases is perceived as larger. This may be because the action of the drops is upon the crystallins within the lens, effectively making them clearer, whilst not perhaps reducing the amount/ size of the cataract.
Normally most patients will see an improvement of glare sensitivity (usually stated as improvements to night driving), then enhanced color perception and of course the ability to read additional lines on an eye chart, a clear sign of improving eye sight.
Effectively it can take several more months (in some cases) to actually reduce the size of the cataract, please note that the addition of Can-C™ Plus, the new oral formula, can be taken alongside the eye-drops to help speed up this process.

Yes, in fact Dr. Babizayev recommends them for diabetic retinopathy.

Yes! Although it will not affect the replacement lens as that is made of plastic, however Can-C™ can support the eye in other ways to ensure that other deterioration is avoided or at least delayed. Many patients who are using Can-C™ in this way, as there is no deterioration to the plastic of the artificial lens and Can-C’s actions can help to maintain other eye structures – in our opinion its use is still worthy in such cases.

Yes in fact they can benefit contact lens wearing in 2 ways, firstly they inhibit the accumulation of lactic acid, thereby reducing the pain associated with contacts and secondly the lubricants in Can-C™ make wearing the contacts more comfortable.
One thing we would recommend is that contacts be removed as normal, the eye washed with cold water and gently dabbed dry and then apply the Can-C™ and wait 15-minutes (this gives the eye-drop time to pass through the membranes and enter the eye) before replacing the contact lens as normal. Note that although this is not an essential requirement, it may be beneficial to do so.

The Ph of Can-C™ has been changed from early setting of 6.5 to 6.8. Whilst technically there is a minute reduction in the uptake of the n-acetylcarnosine this has not in any way reduced the efficacy of Can-C eye-drops. It just means that Can-C is a much more comfortable product to use compared to other NAC containing products on the market, reducing the potential of stinging effects from 1 in 7 persons to 1 in 700 persons, so Can-C is less likely to generate this uncomfortable side effect than other copycat products.

Yes, Can-C™ has been effectively tested on dogs and rabbits. In fact because these animals lack an enzyme called carnosinase (which is found in humans) the drops actually work much faster. This is because the lack of carnosinase means that more of the active ingredient enters the eye and therefore more of the active ingredient is delivered. The only drawback is that administering the drops to animals may mean more loss as the animal blinks or shakes it head etc. But the bottom line is that Can-C is known to improve the dog’s vision when applied daily for several weeks.

Can-C™ is stable for lengthy periods at room temperature, although at home we recommend that you keep them in the warmest part of the fridge (i.e. the door). This is especially true with opened bottle’s which should be discarded 28 days after opening (but if you are using the drops every day as recommended the bottle will be empty after 14 days).

The lens itself is inside the eye, floating in a liquid called the aqueous humor, the outer part of the eye (the part you can touch) normally inhibits absorption, but Can-C™ has been specially designed to pass through the outer membranes and deliver carnosine into the fluid of the eye, thus making contact with the lens and helping to prevent glycosylation, the process that clouds the crystallins in the lens etc.

All the current clinical trial support that in the majority of cases that Can-C™ lowers the intraocular pressure, we have not heard reports of increased pressure to date. Officially the trials have been conducted in cataracts, specifically senile cataracts, however as has been made clear in Dr. Marios Kyriazis book ‘the cataract cure, the story of n-acetylcarnosine’ there have been a number of other noted improvements including some reduction in the intraocular pressure of the eye and we have received a number of statements to that affect also.

Each box contains two 5ml vials and will last for approximately 3 weeks if applying in both eyes. The recommended dosage is two drops into each eye twice daily.
Each 5ml vial contains approximately 80 drops.

Two drops of Can-C into the affected eye twice daily is the ideal. There should be no added benefit in exceeding this amount. You may wish to continue occasional use of N-acetylcarnosine eye-drops after the reduction/reversal of the cataract to prevent any re-occurrence.

Yes, they can be used for general eye health. In addition, Can-C eye drops will help to protect against all sorts of eye troubles by increasing the eye’s anti-oxidant shield. For general eye health you can use the drops twice daily by putting one drop in each eye.
If you’re using the drops like this, one package should last about one month.

N-acetylcarnosine eye-drops have been shown to have measurable effects within only 1 month of use. However, for maximum efficacy it is recommended that that administration be continued for a period not less than 3-5 months. In addition, the drops’ effectiveness is increased the sooner they are used after a cataract is detected.
Considering that senile cataracts are an on-going aging disorder, N-acetylcarnosine may be required on a regular basis to help maintain the eye’s natural anti-oxidant defenses.

Open-angle primary glaucoma
Can-C eye-drops have been recommended by the inventors (IVP) and Dr. Mark Babizhayev has suggested that it is a useful adjunct in the condition of open angle glaucoma. Although not proven, it is believed that the anti-glycosylation properties of Can-C reduce the accumulation of proteins from around the schlemm canal (the valve in the eye), thus over time precipitating a release of pressure in the eye by allowing more waste materials to pass through into the bloodstream.
We don’t have any clinical evidence for floaters. Can-C eye-drops have been successful in a number of other applications– other than cataract, but unfortunately floater’s is not one of them.
Subcapsular cataracts
At present the clinical trials have focused on cataracts of the senile type – perhaps because they are the most common. At present there is anecdotal evidence to support role in other cataracts and aging eye disorders, perhaps because the delivery of carnosine is a natural defense mechanism inside the eye. Dr. Babizayev, the inventor of the technology does predispose that Can-C™ will be effective for other cataracts; details have been noted inside the book ‘the cataract cure’ by Marios Kyriazis, M.D.

It is possible that some damage will have occurred and we do not recommend that the product be frozen. The issue may be the loss of some efficacy. However, it does not mean that the properties of the product are completely lost.

Extensive research by Can-C pioneer Dr. Mark Babizhayev, respected for his work at the Helmoltz Research Institute for Eye Diseases in Moscow, began in 1991.
Landmark research on a group of Russian patients, with an average age of 65 and suffering from age-related cataract, cantered on the use of NAC eye drops with a one percent concentration. The patients applied the drops into their eyes twice daily, for a period of six months.

The study found: 

  • 41% of patients experienced a significant improvement in the ‘transmissivity’ of their lens – clouding had been reduced 
  • 90% reported improved and sharper vision.
  • 89% showed enhanced glare sensitivity.
  • And the patients reported few side effects.

Commenting on the research, Dr. Babizhayev said: “For most patients treated, drug tolerance was good and no side effects were specifically associated with the application of 1 percent NAC. What is more, no recurrence of cataract development occurred during the period of NAC application.” 

Synergistic combination of ingredients in Can C eye drops and Can C Plus capsules makes both the drops and the capsules even more beneficial to the eyes.
When taken consistently with Can-C eye drops, Can-C Plus increases the length of time that the Can-C eye drops remain active in the eye, by preventing and slowing the breakdown of carnosine once it has been topically delivered. This sustaining action greatly improves free radical protection and further reduces the oxidative environment within the eye allowing for an accelerated healing response.
Can-C eye drops have proven to be highly effective eye protection on their own and are a stand-alone product for the reversal of many ocular conditions. Can-C Plus has been made available as a complimentary supplement for those who want to maximize their effort with the use of Can-C eye drops. In addition, those who have more mature cataract with measurably diminished vision will greatly optimize their effort by taking Can-C Plus in addition to their applications of Can-C eye-drops.

Can-C Plus capsules are made with N-acetylcysteine as the main ingredient. N-acetylcysteine is a natural and powerful antioxidant that can fight against many eye related disorders. By combatting against eye conditions, it relieves the eye from unnecessary strain and can improve the function of the aging eye.
Can C Plus helps to enhance free radical protection and reduce oxidative substances in the eye. It is an antioxidant that has been formulated to be used with Can-C eye drops to help support their effectiveness.

All You Need To Know About Curaderm BEC5 cream

Curaderm BEC5 was discovered and developed by Professor Dr. Bill Cham. Curaderm is the only scientifically proven topical cream with indications to regress and treat non-melanoma skin cancers.

Curaderm BEC5 has achieved astounding success in Pre-Clinical and Phase I – IV Double Blind Randomised Vehicle Controlled Human Clinical Trials. It should be noted that Curaderm has a superb safety and efficacy rating.

Curaderm BEC5 is recognized and clinically approved to regress sunspots, keratosis, basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinomas.

“Dr. Cham has discovered, and then thoroughly researched and developed a near-perfect product for two common skin cancers. If anyone deserves a Nobel Prize in Medicine, it’s Dr. Bill E. Cham.” — Jonathan V. Wright, M.D. Medical Director, Tahoma Clinic, Renton, Washington, USA

“People, like Dr Cham, are an endangered species in this day and age. On his own time, using his own money, he has developed a product that could benefit millions of people around the world. Curaderm is one of those rare gems I have been lucky enough to find in my research. With all the conventional therapies, scarring almost always results. This can be especially disturbing in facial cancers. In many cases, plastic surgery is necessary to reduce scarring and disfigurement. With Curaderm these problems don’t exist. The only cells affected are the cancer cells.” —Dr. David G Williams M.D. Editor: Alternatives

Since 1979 Curaderm-BEC5 has been performing ongoing research and clinical success with the the core technology which is a unique class of naturally occurring compounds.

*While non melanoma skin cancers both have a better than 95% cure rate, if detected and treated early, treatment is typically disfiguring.

*Specific endogenous endocytic lectins (EELs) were found to be present at much higher concentrations in cancer cells relative to normal cells.

*These EELs were present on the cell surface as receptors which recognized and bound the sugar moiety, in particular the rhamnose sugar (1990).

*BEC was subsequently internalized in the cancer cell and became lysosomotropic and consequently autolysis occurred.

*The disintegrated lysosome resulted in apoptosis of the affected cancer cells.

*BEC was also shown to induce cell apoptosis by modulating tissue necrosis factor (TNF) (2004).

The products and information contained herein are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any diseases or, medical problems. It is not intended to replace your doctor’s recommendations. The information is provided for educational purposes only. Benefits may vary from one person to another.

Curaderm BEC5 is the only scientifically verified topical cream for the treatment of skin cancer.

The cream works exceedingly well with non-melanoma skin cancers such as squamous cell and basal cell which are the common varieties. One advantage is that the cancer ‘melts away’ leaving normal skin with no scarring. Skin cancer involving the lip is an excellent case for the cream since surgery can be disfiguring, while the BEC5 skin cream allows a smoothly healed result.
Non-melanoma skin cancer can be conveniently and effectively treated by Bec5 cream which is also known as Curaderm. Externally and topically applied, Curaderm cream is an eggplant skin cancer cure which is especially potent when applied to Basal cell carcinomas.

Containing a specially purified plant extract, not only is Curaderm glycoalkaloid cream effective on Basal cell carcinomas ( BCC ) or Squamous cell carcinomas ( SCC ) – the most common forms of skin cancer – but Bec5 eggplant extract also works on benign tumours like sun spots, age spots, Keratoses and Keratocanthmoas.

Derived from the plant Solanum Sodomaeum which is found in Australasia, the plant contains an important eggplant extract for skin cancer – Solasodine Glycosides – an active ingredient which is also found in smaller quantities in the eggplant and aubergine. Solasodine Glycosides has been found extremely effective in treating skin for cancerous conditions and is therefore incorporated into Bec 5 curaderm cream – a well known age spots cream and sun spot cream – to treat the effects and source of skin cancer.

In one study, across 72 patients, treatment with BEC5 cream resulted in the regression of all treated lesions (56 actinic keratoses, 39 BCCs and 29 SCCs), with 100% healed after 1 to 13 weeks of treatment with curaderm topical cream.

Recent trials in 10 UK hospitals found that a twice daily topical application of BEC5 cream to the affected areas gave a complete remission to 78% of the patients within 8-weeks. The remaining 22% of patients had also improved but needed a marginally longer treatment time of 13 weeks. All this was facilitated without chemotherapy, radiotherapy or surgery, and Bec5 curaderm side effects were limited to a slight reddening of the skin.

Dermatologists Royal London Hospital have cited Bec5’s efficacy as ‘safe and effective’ and ‘an ideal therapy for outpatient treatment.’ This is down to Bec 5 Curaderm cream’s versatility and cost effectiveness. About 95% of skin cancer is not a Melanoma form, and using a cream containing eggplant for skin cancer instead of costly and invasive operations, is highly practical for both secondary and primary skin cancer.

Bec 5 Curaderm Cream great results for BCC skin cancer

Histological studies and analysis of biopsies taken before courses of Bec 5 Curaderm cream show the continued value and efficiency at treating skin cancer. During and after treatment the associated lesions did not return for at least 5 years after cessation of this therapy.

Bec 5 – Curaderm has also proved effective after surgery that fails to remove Basal cell carcinomas (BCC), even after skin grafts on the affected area. In one case, just four weeks treatment with BEC5 resulted in full regression and no recurrence after 5-years.

Bec 5 – Curaderm has also proved effective after surgery that fails to remove Basal cell carcinomas (BCC), even after skin grafts on the affected area. In one case, just four weeks treatment with BEC5 resulted in full regression and no recurrence after 5-years, making it one of the most effective creams that can be used on bcc cancer.

The Egg Plant Extract at the Core of the Treatment

The active ingredient Solasodine Glyosides in BEC5 works because it contains a plant sugar called rhamnose – a naturally occurring deoxy sugar. Specific sugar binding lectins are present in the plasma membranes of susceptible cancer cells, but not in normal cells. Therefore BEC5 recognizes and binds the sugar rhamnose of the glycoalkaloid – the active cancer cell killing.


BEC5 Curaderm has beneficial therapeutic effects on keratosis, basal cell carcinomas (BCCs) and squamous cell carcinomas (SCCs). When the cream is applied to such lesions on the skin, the action of BEC5 Curaderm produces the following pattern of response: first reddening, then, usually, erosion, ulceration, dying of treated targeted cells, and regrowth of normal cells.


Curaderm BEC5 cream (20g) contains the active anticancer ingredient Solasodine Glycosides (BEC) . It also contains Salicylic Acid and Urea at relatively high concentrations that assist BEC to kill cancer cells. Salicylic Acid and Urea may irritate the skin in some individuals. Solasodine glycosides (BEC), 0.005%; Salicylic acid, 10%; Urea 5%
On February 21, 2012, The Dr. Oz Show featured Dr. Joseph Mercola, a well-known physician and advocate of alternative health medicine. Dr. Oz*** interviewed Dr. Mercola, who hailed Curaderm BEC5 as being highly effective for non-melanoma skin lesions. According to Dr. Mercola, more than 100,000 people have been effectively treated with Curaderm BEC5 throughout the world.


Apply at least twice daily or as directed by a medical health professional. However, up to ten times daily applications ensure rapid removal of lesions. Before each application of BEC5 curaderm apply antiseptic gel to the lesion, and rub in. Wash with water, and dry thoroughly. This procedure ensures removal of dead cells which would otherwise form a barrier against the penetrability of BEC5 curaderm. Apply an adequate layer of BEC5 curaderm to the affected areas only. Cover with a simple dressing such as a paper-tape (micropore). Never allow lesion to dry out

Step 1: Preparation – Cleanse the treatment area using an Antiseptic solution such as Hibiclens Antiseptic skin cleanser and dry the area.

Setp 2: Application – BEC5 Curaderm only on the original treated area avoiding the surrounding redness on the edges.

Step 3: Covering – Gently cover with a simple dressing such as a paper surgical tape (3M Micropore paper tape).

  • Curaderm BEC5 tube is to be stored below 25°C (77°F), preferably in the refrigerator.


In most cases, redness and swelling will be observed. Tingling, or some pain may be experienced for 15 to 30 minutes or longer after each application. This is a normal reaction. When the swelling in the affected area subsides and normal cells have completely replaced the cancer cells, applications should be discontinued. The redness will disappear gradually. This procedure should be continued in most cases for 7 to 70 days, depending on the size and type of skin lesion and on the individual’s sensitivity. On occasions it may prove necessary to exceed this period. If in doubt, it is better to use Curaderm for a longer period than not long enough in order to avoid a recurrence. Use the lesion until the affected area has regrown with normal tissue.

Limitation of Treatment Area

The total area of skin where Curaderm BEC5 can be applied to at any one time should not exceed 25 (approx. 5 x 5 cm). For larger areas should be applied a section at a time.


Curaderm BEC5 is well-tolerated. The healthy skin surrounding the area may occasionally become reddened due to the salicylic acid, but soon resumes its normal color on cessation of application of Curaderm. Some pain may be experienced due to the salicylic acid content, but this is only transient.


Do not apply Curaderm BEC5 to melanomas, moles, or highly pigmented lesions. If you are unsure of the nature of the area affected, consult your health professional. The effects of Curaderm BEC5 on pregnancy have not been assessed, therefore Curaderm BEC5 should not be used during pregnancy, nor where pregnancy cannot be excluded. It is likewise contraindicated in patients with known hypersensitivity to eggplant, Curaderm BEC5m or any of its ingredients.

Adverse Reactions

the most frequently encountered local reactions have been itching, pain, and burning at the site of the application.


Adverse Reactions — Excessive pain, swelling, redness or purulent drainage (pus), fever and any other concerns should be reported to your doctor or healthcare professional

NOTE: As with all medications, you should consult with your health care professional when using curaderm BEC5.

Curaderm Bec5 was featured on the DR. Oz show

Curaderm Bec5 was featured on the DR. Oz show and was also the topic of the book “The Eggplant Cure” by Dr. Bill Cham. It is manufactured on the pristine island of Vanuatu, in the South Pacific near Australia.

BEC5 skin cream DESTROYS cancer Cells without affecting healthy Cells. Specially formulated with eggplant derived glycoalkaloids, Bec 5 Curaderm cream works exceedingly well with non-melanoma skin cancers such as squamous cell ( Squamous Cell Carcinoma) and basal cell (Basal Cell Carcinoma) which are the common varieties. Unlike conventional skin cancer treatments such as surgical excision, chemotherapy, radiation and topical treatments such as 5-FU (Adrucil®, Fluorouracil®, Efudex®, Fluoroplex®) that destroy the cancer cells as well as healthy cells surrounding the lesions, BEC destroys only the cancer cells. The healthy cells of the surrounding tissue are untouched. The cells of basal cell carcinomas (BCC) and squamous cell carcinomas (SCC) contain specific receptors that recognize and bind to BEC. Healthy skin cells do not have these receptors and thus, healthy cells are spared. BEC binds to the cancer cells and enters the cancer cell and induces the cancer cells to destroy themselves by rupturing and intracellular membrane called a lysosome. Normal cells begin to regrow and healthy tissue is regenerated with little or no scarring.

Reducing the invisible and visible signs of skin cancer

Bec 5 cream only kills cancer cells and while using Curaderm it’s normal to take a while for the destroyed cancer cells to be removed by the natural processes of the body. While this process is in effect, the affected area may seem redder than before application, but this will desist and eventually leave the affected area much clearer. Bec5 side effects are limited to this skin reddening, possible skin ulceration while the process takes place. Bec5 shouldn’t also be applied to moles, melanomas or to those allergic to Aspirin.
A 20 ml. bottle of BEC5 can provide enough material to help with one large skin cancer, two medium sized ones, several small ones or up to twelve sun spots.
Bec 5 curaderm cream is easy to apply and non-invasive, and represents a proven and cost effective help for skin cancer.

What is Curaderm BEC5 used for?

This medicine is used for non-melanoma skin cancers-basal cell carcinoma (BCC) and squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) as well as keratoses.

What does Curaderm BEC5 contain?

Curaderm BEC5 cream (20g) contains the active anticancer ingredient Solasodine Glycosides (BEC) . It also contains Salicylic Acid and Urea at relatively high concentrations that assist BEC to kill cancer cells. Salicylic Acid and Urea may irritate the skin in some individuals

What to do before you use Curaderm BEC5?

Tell your doctor or healthcare provider if you have allergies to any medicines, foods, preservatives or drugs. The anticancer ingredient BEC is present in eggplant. If you are allergic to eggplant, talk to your doctor or healthcare provider before you use Curaderm BEC5.

How Often Should I Use Curaderm BEC5?

Curaderm BEC5 should be used at least twice daily but may also be used up to ten times daily depending on the type of lesion. Please speak to your doctor or healthcare provider for direction in more frequent applications. It is important to always cover the treated area with a dressing such as Micropore, which is a brand of paper tape. DO NOT allow the area to dry out.

What Can I Expect?

In most cases, some degree of redness, itching, skin peeling, swelling and some drainage will be observed during use. Tingling or burning may be experienced for 30 to 60 minutes after each application. This is a normal reaction. The following pattern of responses can be anticipated: First reddening, then usually erosion and ulceration followed by regrowth of normal skin tissue. During these procedures the lesion may appear worse than before. Until the new tissue has regrown, your skin in the treatment area will look noticeably different from normal skin.

How Long Should I Apply Curaderm for?

When the treated skin appears normal, applications should be discontinued. Procedure times in the clinical trials were 8 weeks and 12 weeks. Procedure times will vary depending on the type and size of lesion. On occasion it may be necessary to prolong the application regime. If in doubt it is better to apply Curaderm to the area for an extended period in order to prevent re-occurrence. In this case, applications should continue until such time as the lesion has replaced with new tissue.
It is important to ensure a regular schedule of applications of Curaderm. Multiple skipped applications may result in the growth of normal skin over the top of the lesion. This can result in masking, and thus the incomplete healing of the lesion.

Purchase Curaderm BEC5 from the official US based distributor. (Click on the Image below)

4 Healthy Lifestyle Actions to Reduce and Manage Stress

Stress is a natural part of life. It usually stems from different relationships that affect you the most, whether these are your family, work or colleagues, life partner, or even your mind. Although there are healthy stressors, the other side of the coin brings people into a distressed and vulnerable state. Stress can cause physical and emotional consequences—like a worsening skin concern or anxiety and depression.

But the good news is: that stress is controllable. You just have to know and treat yourself better. Sure, you can cope by retail therapy and indulging in your favorite food, but there are far better ways to reduce and manage the stress that directly addresses the root cause of the problem. Recognizing patterns of what causes your stress, along with factors that trigger you is a great start.

Take a step back and evaluate how you react to things. What makes you constantly uneasy? Do you think it’s because of spending so much time on social media? Do other people’s opinions mean a lot to you? Are you pressured at work? Learning and building from these personal habits and triggers lead to a better understanding of yourself and the challenges you face.

Healthy Lifestyle Actions for Stress Management

When every day feels like a hard race—one can only dream of a stress-free life. It’s easy to say that coping with this emotional challenge can simply be cured with a weekend getaway, or by checking out items in your online shopping cart. But in reality, dealing with stress appropriately starts with a healthy lifestyle and a sound environment.

Here is a list of lifestyle practices that you can apply to achieve a mindful and clear headspace!

1. Put your phone down.

Do you look for your phone first thing in the morning? Maybe that’s one of the reasons why you feel stressed. Consuming social media as a breakfast (or while eating) can set you up for an unproductive day. Try closing your alarm and putting your phone away as you wade through your morning routine. You’ll see that there are many things you can do aside from aimlessly scrolling while the sun is rising.

Spending your morning and night routine disconnected from the demands of the digital world can improve your wellness. You don’t have to pressure yourself to become overly productive. Take this time to breathe, internalize, and set your intentions for the day.

2. Set up an emotion tracker.

If you feel like you’re just getting through one day to another, maybe you need an emotional tracker. Stress can leave you unfocused—doing only the task at hand and leaving other things unchecked (like your emotional health).

A wellness tracker serves as your emotional battery. It gives you a bigger picture of what’s going on in your life. So, setting one up can help you gauge your internal capacity and address it as soon as possible—especially on your down days. It can guide you in assessing the patterns of your emotions and what triggers them. You can also refer to it when realigning your priorities to improve your well-being.

3. Take a day (or days) off.

There are days when you feel like the world demands too much from you. This is an indicator to take some time off. Pushing yourself way past your limit leads to burnout, over-fatigue, and other health conditions.

You don’t have to plan a grand getaway to relieve your stress though. Starting with small activities that help you recuperate is the way to go. Catch up on your reading list or meet your best friend for lunch! You can also use this time to stay in and sleep! We sometimes overlook the benefits of sleep, but having a good (and enough!) rest keeps you stress-free!

During your day off, try to stray from opening your email. Don’t worry, there are PTOs for different employees that allow you to enjoy your me-time at ease!

4. Keep your body and mind active

Sometimes, dealing with stress can cause you to resort to unhealthy coping mechanisms. It’s inevitable and that’s okay. However, it’s essential to know the healthy limit of everything.

Case on point: exercising. Not everyone can afford a gym membership. Some circumstances hamper one’s fitness journey like depression or other health concerns.

However, there are alternatives that—when practiced regularly—can keep you fit and stress-free. You can try walking for a minimum of 30 minutes around the neighborhood or buy a jumping rope and use it daily at your convenience. Plus, there are also rising lifestyle programs in workplaces that encourage teams to alleviate their stress through step challenges!

Being active trains your mind and body to gain more focus, endurance, and happy hormones which are essential in stress management.

The Takeaway

Stress management starts with knowing yourself better. By keeping track of your internal and external capacities, you are in better control of yourself. You have to find the right equilibrium and healthy compromise in practicing these lifestyle changes, though.

FAQ Curaderm BEC5

What is Basal Cell Carcinoma (BCC)?
Basal cell carcinoma (BCC) is a very common form of skin cancer. According to the Skin Cancer Foundation, BCC is the most frequently occurring form of skin cancer, with an estimated 2.8 millioncases diagnosed in the United States every year.

What does Basal Cell Carcinoma look like?
BCC is an abnormal and uncontrolled lesion or growth that develops in the skin’s basal cells, which line the outermost layer of the skin (or deepest layer of the epidermis). These abnormal and uncontrolled growths can often appear as red patches, pink growths, shiny bumps, open sores, or even scars. Frequently, BCCs appear as a persistent and non-healing sore that may bleed and ooze for a few weeks, heal, and then bleed and ooze again. In addition, BCCs sometime appear as non-cancerous skin conditions, such as eczema or psoriasis. Therefore, if you have any suspicious lesion or change in your skin’s condition, it is very important that a well-trained professional examine and correctly diagnose your skin condition or lesion.

Causes of Basal Cell Carcinoma
BCCs are caused from exposure to ultraviolet light rays (UV) from either the sun or tanning beds. Thankfully, BCCs rarely metastasize or spread to other parts of the body and become life-threatening. Common risk factors for BCC include:
•Exposure to the sun
•Exposure to tanning beds
•Fair colored skin: People who have light-colored skin, naturally light-colored hair (blond or red), light-colored eyes (blue or green), who freckle or sunburn easily are more at risk for developing skin cancer
•History of sunburns especially during childhood; even one sunburn during childhood increases the risk for developing skin cancer as an adult
•Personal history of skin cancer
•Family history of skin cancer
This is a list of the main risk factors for developing skin cancer. There are other risk factors. Therefore, it is important that you talk to you doctor about your risk for developing skin cancer.

How to Decrease Your Risk for BCC?
To decrease your risk for basal cell carcinoma or other forms of skin cancers:
•Limit the amount of time you spend in the sun, especially during the hours of 10:00 AM and 4:00 PM when the sun’s ultraviolet rays are the strongest
•Wear a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher on all exposed areas of your face and body every day, rain or shine
•Wear shirts with long sleeves, pants, and hats to protect your skin from the sun
•Avoid tanning beds

Curaderm BEC5 Product Safety
All forms of toxicology have been investigated. Biochemical, hematological and urine analytical studies have demonstrated that there are no adverse effects on the liver, kidneys or haematopoietic system during applying Curaderm BEC5. Normal skin applied with BEC5 Curaderm, was also tested and was also free from adverse histological and clinical effects.  The amount of BEC glycoalkaloids in a 20mL bottle contains the equivalent to 5 grams of extracted egg plant.

Home Based Healing With Curaderm BEC5 
BEC5 Curaderm is a non-toxic product as it has the same active ingredients found in egg plant which is eaten every day. Therefore you do not need to worry about any side effects or adverse reactions. Actually, the products natural attributes make the product so simple to use which greatly contributes to the product’s popularity.

How to use Curaderm BEC5?
Curaderm BEC5 is very simple to use. Simply place a small amount of Curaderm BEC5 onto the affected area and cover with a bandage. Repeat this process twice a day (preferably every 12 hours) until healed. Most non-melanoma skin cancers will be effectively healed up within 8 to 16 weeks.
After application of Curaderm BEC5, a tingling or slight burning sensation might occur for the first 30-60 minutes. Redness or irritation at the site is a sign that the abnormal tissues are responding and the Curaderm BEC5 is working.
Initially during healing process, the diameter of the lesion may increase significantly and ulcerations or erosions of the lesion site may occur. The reason for the initial increase in the size of the lesion is that the Curaderm BEC5 is seeking and destroying the cancer cells that are initially not visible to the eye. However, as reestablishing  progresses, the diameter of the lesion will decrease until all cancer cells are replaced with normal cells. In most cases, re-growth of normal tissue occurs where the abnormal tissue was, resulting in minimal to no scar formation.
Remember, during applying  Curaderm BEC5, your skin lesion may appear to get worse before it gets better. This is a sign that the Curaderm BEC5 is work.
Tolerance: Curaderm BEC5 is well-tolerated. The healthy skin surrounding the area being treated may occasionally become reddened due to the salicylic acid, but soon resumes its normal color on cessation application. Some pain may be experienced due to the salicylic acid content, but this is only transient.

Are there any adverse side effects to using Curaderm BEC5?
There are virtually no adverse side effects with Curaderm BEC5. Some people have reported some reddening and irritation at the site of the lesion and a slight burning sensation when the cream is applied, but these symptoms are only temporary and go away.
Some patients experience a stinging or slight burning sensation for 10-15 minutes after each application.  This is caused by the Salicylic acid and Urea in the cream.
NOTE: If you experience severe pain, swelling, purulent drainage (pus), or fever, you should report these symptoms to your physician, surgeon, or other qualified healthcare specialist. These symptoms are unexpected and could indicate an allergic reaction, infection, or a more serious problem.

What is Curaderm-BEC5?
Curaderm-BEC5 is a topical product in a clear plastic PDHE bottle.  Each product contains 20ml of formulated cream and 0.005% Solasodine Glycosides (BEC).

What is Curaderm-BEC5 used for? 
The cream formulation has been shown to be effective in the therapy of the malignant human skin tumours, basal cell carcinomas, squamous cell carcinomas as well as the benign tumours, such as keratoses and keratoacanthomas,  non-melanoma skin cancers.

What does Curaderm-BEC5 contain?
Curaderm-BEC5 cream (20g) contains the active anticancer ingredient Solasodine Glycosides (BEC) . It also contains Salicylic Acid and Urea at relatively high concentrations that assist BEC to kill cancer cells. Salicylic Acid and Urea may irritate the skin in some individuals.

What is the Active Ingredient in Curaderm BEC5? 
The active ingredient in BEC5 Curaderm is a pure extract called Solasodine Glycosides. These active ingredients are extracted from Solanaceous plants such as Solanum sodomaeum, the so-called Devil’s apple, Solanum aviculare (Kangaroo apple) and Solanum melongena (Egg plant or Aubergine) which are found in the Australasia region.

What to do before you use Curaderm-BEC5?
Tell your doctor or healthcare provider if you have allergies to any medicines, foods, preservatives or drugs. The anticancer ingredient BEC is present in eggplant. If you are allergic to eggplant, talk to your doctor or healthcare provider before you use Curaderm-BEC5.

How Often Should I Use Curaderm BEC5?
Curaderm-BEC5 should be used at least twice daily but may also be used up to ten times daily depending on the type of lesion being processed .  Please speak to your doctor or healthcare provider for direction in more frequent applications. It is important to always cover the treated area with a dressing such as Micropore, which is a brand of paper tape. DO NOT allow the area being applied to dry out.

What Can I Expect from Curaderm BEC5?
In most cases, some degree of redness, itching, skin peeling, swelling and some drainage will be observed during process. Tingling or burning may be experienced for 30 to 60 minutes after each application.  This is a normal reaction. The following pattern of responses can be anticipated: First reddening, then usually erosion and ulceration followed by regrowth of normal skin tissue. During healing process the lesion may appear worse than before applying Curaderm BEC5.   During healing process and until the new tissue has regrown, your skin in the treatment area will look noticeably different from normal skin.

How Long Should I Perform Applications with Curaderm BEC5?
You should apply the cream on the affected areas with Curaderm BEC5 twice a day until the area appears normal. When the treated area appears normal, you may discontinue use of Curaderm BEC5. In clinical trials, the healing time was an average of 8 to 12 weeks. However, reestablishing times will vary, depending on the type and size of the lesion. 
When the treated skin appears normal, the applications should be discontinued. On occasion it may be necessary to prolong the applications regime. If in doubt, it is better to heal the area for an extended period of time to prevent re-occurrence. In this case, the healing should continue until such time as the lesion has replaced with new tissue.
It is important to ensure a regular treatment regime. Multiple skipped applications may result in the growth of normal skin over the top of the lesion. This can result in masking, and thus the incomplete healing of the lesion.
NOTE: It is important to be consistent during your treatment process and not miss any applications. Skipping applications can result in growth of normal skin over the top of the lesion, which can result in incomplete healing of the lesion.

How will I know when to stop applying Curaderm BEC5? 
When the skin is pink and fresh, at this point only healthy cells are visible and then the natural skin’s healing process will take over to produce the final normal skin covering.

What other ingredients does Curaderm BEC5 contain? 
The product is a cream formulation that contains Urea, Salicylic acid which are keratolytic agents.

How much of the Curaderm-BEC5 cream does it take to heal up a typical skin cancer?
On average a 20ml bottle can manage one to two large non melanoma SCC or BCC skin cancers, two to three medium sized lesions, four to eight small lesions, or twelve sun spots.  The shelf life of Curaderm-BEC5 is 5 years.

Can Curaderm BEC5 work inside the mouth?
BEC5 can be used successfully to remove SCC and BCC’s from all areas of the skin, but the problems arise when these are areas are close to parts of the body that exude liquids (the mouth, eyes etc).
It really depends on the capability to keep the cream on the lesion concerned, the drier it can remain the better. We appreciate that wet areas for example inside the mouth are extremely challenging and that applying a micropore for example after application is particularly difficult.
The bottom line is that more applications may be necessary each day, or expect a longer healing time than 8-12 weeks (which is the norm), however it is possible that the technology can fail in wet areas because it is washed away too quickly before it can act.
Please remember to always to clean and disinfect the lesion before each fresh application of cream.

If the lesion is covered with a micropore dressing, how often should this be changed?
Change the dressing after each application of the cream, so at least twice a day.

I’ve seen some swelling and water retention around the lesion- is this normal?
Normally this is a reaction to the antiseptic you are using and not the Curaderm-BEC5 cream. We would recommend that you use www.hibiclens are an equivilant. It remains important to cleanse the lesion with antiseptic each time, before you reapply the cream.

I’ve been applying the cream twice a day for several weeks, but it still appears to be ‘work in progress’ when can I expect results?
The typical applications period is 8 to 12 weeks, although for some people it is shorter and occasionally for some it is a bit longer. It all depends on a number of factors including, the size of the lesion being applied, its position (and difficulty to reach), the age and condition of the patient and how often the cream is applied daily.

The BCC is completely gone but my skin is still very red and raw, what can I use to speed the healing process?
The area needs to heal after the treatment period; it is typical for more blood to appear in the lesion (in order to speed the healing process) and hence appear redder for a period afterward. To aid healing we would recommend using Tamanu oil.

Can Curaderm BEC5 be used to reversal cancerous cells under the skin?
No. To remain accurate to the clinical trials and published research we have to maintain that Curaderm BEC5 cream is only successful against non-melanoma skin cancers and sunspots.

Since I started using the BEC5 Curaderm cream my skin cancer has reddened and looks worse and larger than before, is this normal?
The cream will only kill cancer cells not normal cells, however in the course of reversal those cancer cells have to be removed (by the natural processes) and hence the area being treated often looks worse, before it looks better (See the examples on our web-pages).
Please remember to clean and disinfect the area to be healed before each application and once the Curaderm BEC5 has been applied to cover the region with a micropore (a bandage with holes in it), this will keep the cream moist and make it much more effective. For the majority of patients, the area should be ‘back to normal’ within 8 to 12 weeks of application.

I have read on other websites that sometimes the contents separate at higher than 77F?
Please note that Curaderm BEC5 can be stable for several weeks at temperatures higher than 25C, although it is difficult to be precise about ‘damage’ caused primarily through separation at very high temperatures.
The patient will soon know if the cream is damaged once it is applied to a cancerous lesion, because a reaction should be seen within a couple of days. If there is no reaction whatsoever, then either (a) there are no cancer cells present on the spot of application or (b) the cream has become damaged.
However, in the many years we have sold many thousands of Curaderm BEC5 cream we now of only two cases of heat damage, so this possibility is very rare.

Will Curaderm BEC5 have any effect, good or bad on psoriasis? I developed psoriasis when a dermatologist gave me Aldara® to reverse my basal cell carcinomas?
We don’t think it will affect the psoriasis in anyway, it should be noted however that during applications the area becomes red and inflamed as the cancer cells are destroyed and the new skin appears. Remember to always disinfect the area before applying Curaderm BEC5 and then to apply a micropore to keep the cream moist.

If the lesion has to be covered with a micropore dressing, how often should this be changed and the cream reapplied?
This is as per the regular instructions it is important to disinfect on each cleaning/reapplication. As noted before it is not 100% necessary to cover with a micropore, but if this is not done then the patient will experience a longer healing period, unless they are prepared to increase the daily applications etc.

I have a squamous cell carcinoma on my forehead. I understand that Curaderm BEC5 has been effective in preventing and eliminating existing squamous cell lesions?
To try it the cream needs a period of 8-12 weeks, sometimes less, sometimes a little more, it all depends on the size and time the cancer has existing and how often the cream is applied etc. So far in Dr. Cham’s trials there have been no reoccurrences of a SCC or BCC over a period of 5-years in more than 80,000 patients providing they have NOT had surgery first. This is because the cream follows ‘a trail’ of the cancer cells into the skin, surgery can disturb this trail and because the surgeon is trying to remove all the cancer cells, but not the healthy cells, when some are left under the skin, it is why with surgery there is a few percent chance that a couple of years later the cancer can reappear.
Of course the decision is yours, but clearly you would have to cancel your surgery if you wanted to try the cream. We would also recommend Dr. Cham’s book the eggplant skin cancer cure particularly for your surgeon when he/ she tells you that they’ve never heard of such a treatment… The book has the full story, full references (including published studies in peer reviewed journals) and many before- during and after pictures.

I have been using Curaderm BEC5 2x a day for 16 days when the skin split I quit and put vitamin E oil on it for 3 days until skin healed. I started back on Curaderm and a large area around the bcc turned red and burned is this normal?
This is the action of the cream, you should continue until the area has naturally healed, the cream will only attack BCC and SCC lesions. Remember to clean the lesion each time with an antiseptic.
If the lesion is near a nerve then some burning sensations can be felt due to the presence of salicylic acid- so this is normal, usually it passes after a few days of continued applications.

I read to keep it out of the sun what effect does sunlight have on healing? If it dries out is E oil ok to moisten or what is ok? 
It is important to keep the area moist- hence the recommendation to cover the lesion with a micropore. It is not vital, but if not done properly then the healing period is much longer- or the cream has to be applied more frequently. Vitamin E is no problem to apply, but the best for the healing is Tamanu oil

When I reapplied Curaderm BEC5 after 3 days withdrawal why did the area brighten red more than previously? How soon should I see results? 
The area needs to heal after the application period; it is typical for more blood to appear in the lesion (in order to speed the healing process) and hence appear redder for a period afterward. A typical reversal period (from start to finish) is 8-12 weeks, sometimes shorter sometimes longer, it depending on numerous factors including the size of the lesion etc.
There are no known contraindications with Curaderm BEC5.
Skin cancers can be triggered by excess iron in the blood reacting with sunlight. Obviously one should not overexposure one’s self to UV rays, but on the other hand some sunlight is necessary on a regular basis in order to produce vitamin D. If one is getting too much sun a good sun cream such as Solaris® with an SPF of 25+ are recommended (Solaris® will still enable a tan which is what most people want from sun exposure) – a balance is required.
Using chelation agents such as Essential Daily Defense® can help reduce heavy metals levels throughout the body, another good example is Beyond Clean®, a bath salts created by Dr. Garry Gordon that is simply placed in the tub water and you soak in it as normal. This will reduce iron levels in the skin and is evident by the time one can be in the sun before burning occurs, in theory at least this can reduce the possibility of sun spots and SCC and BCC lesions occurring.

I have water retention around the treated area with Curaderm BEC5. I am going to use the same antiseptic that I have been using since the first application of the cream until I receive the proper one from
 It is a probable reaction to the antiseptic that you are using, the sooner you switch to Hibiclens and start using it, the sooner the water retention will dissipate.

After opening the product, the cream was as liquid. Does this affect the effectiveness of the product? Is the product permanently damaged as a result of high temperatures, or will it be fine after cooling it down in the refrigerator? 
The Curaderm-BEC5 tube is not damaged but separated due to high temperatures.
It can be reconstituted back to its normal paste like form again and is still 100% effective!

To reunify your tube of Curaderm BEC5 back to its normal formulation, please follow the following 4 steps listed below:

How to reconstitute your tube of Curaderm BEC5 if exposed to over 77°F (25°C) and it has separated:
Step 1: Place the tube of Curaderm BEC5 in a small pot of very hot water that is 140-158 degrees Fahrenheit (60-70 degrees Celsius) for approximately 5 minutes.(shake until you no longer hear liquid when shaking the tube)
Step 2: Remove the tube of Curaderm BEC5 and shake it vigorously by hand 20-30 times. You will be able to hear the liquid when shaking the tube, like it is water.
Step 3: Place the tube of Curaderm BEC5 into the freezer for 15 minutes.
Step 4: Then store the tube of Curaderm BEC5 in the refrigerator for use. The purpose of placing the Curaderm BEC5 into a pot of very hot water that is 140-158°F (60-70°C) is to fully separate all the ingredients completely before blending them back together into its normal formulation. Following these 4 steps will ensure that the ingredients in your tube of Curaderm BEC5 will be blended back together and the product will work 100% effectively as new. This should also return the CuradermBEC5 to a creamyconsistency.

I planning on working outside or participating in water activities, what precautions should i take?
It is extremely important that, after you have applied Curaderm BEC5 to the lesion, that you cover the treated area with an occlusive dressing. The manufacturer recommends using micropore paper tape as an occlusive dressing. Micropore paper tape is necessary to prevent the lesion from drying out and forming a scab. Wateractivates are a great form of exercise, but it is extremely important that you not get the dressing on your lesion wet. If the dressing accidentally becomes wet or if it becomes detached before the next scheduled dosing, you should reapply new cream and a new dressing. Remember, it is extremely important that the affected area be covered with an occlusive dressing at all times during the application period. In addition, the manufacturer recommends that you avoid sun exposure to the affected areas being treated with Curaderm BEC5. If you planning on working in outside, we would recommend you put on a wide brimmed hat to avoid exposing your face to the sun. In addition, we would recommend you wear a broad-spectrum sunscreen on all areas of your face, neck, and other parts of your body that may be exposed to the sun. Be careful that you do not put sunscreen on the lesion until after the lesion is completely healed.

Is sun exposure not good? If so, how to protect against it, a hat with a rim good enough?
Yes, wear a hat with a good rim to protect the area from sun exposure.

When working around the house I sweat, is sweat not good? 
It’s okay BUT if the treated area is wet then you need to cleanse the area and reapply a fresh new Curaderm BEC5.

Are their doctors in Connecticut USA that you can recommend that are familiar with Curaderm BEC5. That I can speak with or visit to get guidance? 
We have no doctors in US or in Connecticut area at the moment BUT feel free to contact us to advise you till completion of healing.

I ran out of Curaderm BEC5 for a week. The skin grew back, and then when I started bec5 again in about 3 days the skin came off again, why is that?
You should ensure that you never run out of Curaderm BEC5 in hand and always buy two tubes in case one runs out. What happen when you stop applying the Curaderm BEC5 is the skin heals over the cancer cells and when you apply Curaderm BEC5 again over the area the Curaderm BEC5 finds it hard to make contact with the cancer because of the healthy skin tissue growth. So this will take longer for the Curaderm BEC5 to penetrate and open up the area again. Please make sure you do not stop the process at any point till the area heals up completely with new pink skin.

Q: When is it OK to use skin lotions or creams like tamanu oil on the treated area?
A: You should not use creams or lotions on the area you are treating with Curaderm BEC5 until the therapy is complete. Once the treatment is complete and you are no longer using Curaderm BEC5, you can use creams or lotions to help the treated area heal.

Q: Is it OK to use Curaderm BEC5  to get rid of moles?
A: No, Curaderm BEC5 is not intended to be used for the removal of moles.

Q: How can I be sure that the treated area is completely devoid of cancer?
A: The only way to be sure is to perform a biopsy.

Q: How do I heal sunspots with Curaderm BEC5?
A: In order to reestablish sun spots, apply a thin layer on the treated area twice a day until the area heals back with normal new-looking skin again. If there are more than one spot, then apply to the area with 3 spots a time until it heals, then move to other sections. Please make sure the treated areas are always covered throughout the process.

Purchase Curaderm BEC5 from the official US based distributor. (Click on the Image below)

More About Khavinson’s Peptides

Natural & Synthesized Khavinson Peptides

Aging and protein synthesis

Aging is a major risk factor for disease and death but what is the cause of aging? Despite many theories it is still unknown. What we know is that as we age our body produces fewer proteins that have a large number of important functions in our body. For example:

  • Proteins are vital to cell division, which is necessary for growth, reproduction and healing.
  • Many proteins keep everything working right by regulating chemical reactions. Examples include enzymes, hormones, blood clotting substances, even receptors in the eyes.
  • Protein is essential for the immune system to defend against foreign invaders such as bacteria and viruses.
  • Proteins help to transport other nutrients around the body by binding to them and then releasing them when and where they are needed.
  • Protein helps to regulate and maintain a proper fluid balance. This helps to maintain proper blood pressure and even lubricate eyes.
  • Certain proteins serve a major structural role in tissues such as muscle and skin and even provide the matrix for bones and teeth.

Basically, our bodies make thousands of specific proteins that serve important roles in everyday functioning — in fact, the human body is about 45% protein on a dry matter basis.

As aging is associated with a decline in the synthesis of protein, it is logical to assume that if the synthesis is restored aging can be slowed down. As it turns out this assumption is correct. Scientists V. Khavinson and V. Morozov have found a way to repair protein production and have achieved incredible results. Using the following methods can increase lifespan by 20-40%.

Triggering molecules

The information about different proteins is stored in the DNA. In order to launch protein synthesis a DNA fragment, a gene, has to be activated by triggering molecules, peptides. Peptides are relatively short chains of amino acids and they are an essential part of the cell self-regulating mechanism:
Cells constantly degrade aged proteins by breaking them down into amino acids and peptides. Some of these peptides match specific parts in the cell DNA following the lock-key principle. As a result, the peptide resumes the synthesis of the protein from which it was originally built. When the protein ages, it is fragmented into the same peptides once again. All of this forms a circular process that is vital to cell life.

However, due to extended exposure to environmental hazards and stress this cell self-regulating mechanism is compromised and we become peptide deficient. Peptide deficiency leads to cell malfunction and eventually to diseases and premature aging. Luckily, we can restore the peptide-protein cycle with peptide supplements.


The first peptide product was created for the military in the Russian Military Medical Academy 40 years ago in 1974 by V. Khavinson and V. Morozov since 1977 and it has been authorized for clinical use under the name Thymalin. It cointains thymus peptides, extracted from young calves, that restore the impaired immune system and minimize the risk of cancer by several times. Shortly, Epithalamin, a product formulated with the pineal gland peptides was developed. It prevents premature aging, improves the function of the endocrine, immune, cardiovascular and reproductive systems, lengthens telomeres, restores carbohydrate metabolism, and strengthens bones and joints. It was proven that if administrated together the pineal gland and the thymus peptides can prolong human life substantially. Their high efficiency has been shown in more than 50 experiments on animals and multiple clinical trials in the last 40 years.

Eventually, peptides have been extracted from almost every body system and demonstrated stunning tissue-specific properties, i.e., they have beneficial effects on the organs which they were extracted from.

In the last 40 years these medicines have been taken by more than 15 millions of people and no side effects have been found. The fact is that peptides are apparently evolutionary the oldest cell self-regulating mechanism and as their structure is quite simple they have not undergone any constructional changes over time. That means that peptides in animals and humans are identical. Besides it was also proven that peptide intake can only normalize the protein synthesis and cannot overstimulate it as a cell cannot take more peptides than it needs.

Peptide supplements

For many years the peptide preparations were available only as medicines, in the form of injections. However some years ago Prof. Khavinson and the St. Petersburg Institute of Bioregulation and Gerontology created dietary supplements that can also reduce peptide deficiency and restore peptide-protein cycle in cells. They can be divided into natural and synthesized peptides.

Natural peptides (Cytomaxes)

Natural peptides is a group of peptides of less than 50 amino acids and with a molecular mass of less than 5 kDa, free from foreign DNA or protein substance, extracted from organs and tissues of young calves by a patented method of thorough filtering. 5 kDa is very little. The molecular mass of DNA fragments and proteinaceous infectious particles, the prions, are several times bigger than that. Therefore these peptide supplements are extremely clean products. They do not have any immunogenic or mutagenic properties.
Inside the gastrointestinal tract the natural peptides break down into amino acids and di-, tri- and tetrapeptides that match the DNA in a complementary way and activate protein synthesis in the respective body system. Their performance is gentle and gradual. Their effect continues to grow even after finishing the supplementation course and lasts up to 4-6 months until the peptide-protein cycle is impaired again.

Synthesized peptides (Cytogens)

The analysis of natural peptides was used to detect the most active peptide from a group, which was later replicated in a lab. Synthesized peptide supplement contains only one peptide molecule whereas natural one includes a group of molecules. Synthesized peptides have an immediate impact compared to natural peptides and have a faster, yet more short-lived effect (1.5-2 months). Such peptides are typically used to start the initial peptide deficiency. However, it is advised to switch to natural peptides as a follow-up course.

Both types of peptides are efficient, safe to use, have no side effects and are compatible among themselves and with other products. As for the choice between natural and synthesized peptides, it depends on a particular situation. However, in most cases synthesized peptides, if available, are administered prior to the use of natural peptides.

When and how to take peptides?

It is advised to start taking peptide supplements upon reaching 35 years of age as a preventive measure against premature aging. At this stage two to three 10-day courses of the basic products per year are sufficient to maintain the body’s well-being. These basic products are Vladonix, Cerluten, Ventfort, Sigumir, Svetinorm and if a person works night shifts or often takes intercontinental flights, Endoluten. They regulate the function of the systems that age faster. If required, other peptides could be added as another ten-day course, based on individual needs.

Starting from 40-45 years, two courses a year become necessary, with 2 capsules daily for 30 days per course. The health in the decades to follow will majorly be influenced by the degree of recovery achieved during this period. It is crucial to start timely biannual intake of extensive anti-age courses that include Endoluten, Vladonix, Cerluten, Ventfort, Sigumir, Svetinorm, Chelohart and for men Libidon, Testoluten, for women Zhenoluten and Thyreogen. Additional products are chosen based on individual needs and predispositions. Generally, the older we get, the more organs that require additional support.

Starting from 50-55 years, it is generally recommended to increase the number of courses a year from two to three. If you need to take more than 5 peptide products it is usually advised to split the course in several months so that each month you take 5 products or fewer. Please note for better absorption peptides are taken 30 minutes before meals.

Introduction To Synthetic Peptides

The Saint Petersburg Institute of Bioregulation and Gerontology (SPIBG) of the North-Western Branch of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences for years has been developing a special approach to a new class of peptide-based supplements. As a result of the analysis of the amino-acidic sequence of peptides extracted from organs and tissues, physiologically active short peptides have been developed and later defined as a class of cytogenes, also known as the synthesized short peptides. This class of dietary supplements is characterized by a faster action compared to extracts: the physiological effects become evident after 24 hours, the main processes related to regulating work and functionality of organs and systems are launched. It is therefore considered highly important to take these synthetic peptides in the earliest stage of biotherapy.

On the other hand, the extracted peptides, widely known as the cytomax class, or the natural peptides, perform in a more delicate and gradual manner due to their so called specific physiological environment: it includes amino acids and microelements typical for that type of tissue from which they have been extracted in terms of quantity and quality. As a consequence of discrepancy in performance and effects of the different classes of peptides (synthesized or natural), SPIBG recommends their step-wise use as more reasonable. For instance, in the first four weeks a course of synthetic peptides can be taken, followed by one to two months of biotherapy based on natural peptides.


There is still no way to stop aging but thanks to the scientists’ intensive work during the last 40 years, we finally have dietary supplements that substantially slow down aging by reducing peptide deficiency and restoring cell peptide-protein cycles in the body. There are 19 natural peptide products and 12 synthesized ones that cover almost every body system and organ. Thus, if you want to live longer being mentally and physically healthy you have now a real solution.

You can purchase original Khavinson peptide bioregulators from the official US distributor below.

Peptide Regulation of Ageing


For many years a phenomenon of ageing had been studied within the framework of ethics and social issues. Only in the last century the society realized that a process of ageing should be studied from a different viewpoint, that is, as a special physiologic mechanism bearing a certain evolutionary significance.
Ageing is the most complicate issue in medicine and biology. The process of ageing is a gradual involution of tissues and development of organism malfunctioning. Its symptoms appear already at the end of the reproductive period and become more pronounced with ageing.

At the end of the XIX century I.I. Metchnikov showed that enhancement of cellular immunity contributed to a lifespan increase. He developed a phagocytic theory of immunity and considered human organism capable of combating pathologic ageing [1]. In 1908 he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine together with Paul Ehrlich. And only one century later, Peter Doherty and Rolf Zinkernagel conducted detailed studies in specificity of cellular immunity in case of viral infection (the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1996).

The development of genetics and molecular biology required profound biochemical studies. Many years of scientific work by Marshall Nirenberg and Gobind Khorana resulted in deciphering genetic code and defining codons (triplets of nucleotides) for each of twenty amino acids (the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, together with Robert Holley, 1968). Fundamental investigation in nucleic acids biochemistry and identification of RNA and DNA bases sequence were conducted in the 60-70ies of the XX century by Paul Berg, Walter Gilbert and Frederick Sanger (the Nobel Prize in Chemistry, 1980).

Experimental and clinical studies in gerontology evidenced that immunity of the organism is among the first systemic functions to reveal disorders with ageing [2, 3]. Thymus peptide extracts and peptides, isolated from these extracts, were the first preparations suggested for immune deficit correction [4, 5, 6]. The origin of small regulatory peptides pool in a young organism became evident after the discovery of ubiquitin-mediated protein degradation in proteasomes made by Aaron Ciechanover, Avram Hershko, Irwin Rose (The Nobel Prize in Chemistry, 2004). Small peptides were shown to play an important role for transmission of biologic information, as for example autocrine hormones and neuropeptides do. A high molecular protein can be hydrolyzed in different ways, degradating into several small peptides. Due to this mechanism there can be produced peptides with completely different biologic functions as compared to the maternal macromolecule [7]. American mathematician Samuel Karlin proved in his works that there are several types of recurring blocks of amino acid residues with charged side chains in protein macromolecules. Structures of transcription factors reliably contain the greatest number of such blocks [8]. In 1961 Francois Jacob and Jacques Monod suggested a model of genetic regulation of protein synthesis with the participation of low-molecular ligand, which ousts repressor and triggers allosteric conformational transition in the DNA structure of bacterial cell [9]. In 1965 they were awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine along with Andry Lwoff.

However, the regulating role of small peptides had never been discussed in the concepts of gene control of protein synthesis in higher organisms before we started the research. Alongside with immunity decrease associated with age there occur other alterations at cellular level. In particular there take place changes in the inner structure of cellular nucleus. DNA-protein complex of cellular nucleus (chromatin) organizes into chromosomes only in case of cell division. In stationary state chromatin is found in two forms: euchromatin and heterochromatin [10]. Heterochromatin is usually localized in the nucleus periphery and contains generally inactive part of genome: genes blocked by repressors. The ratio euchromatin/heterochromatin changes with ageing due to reduction of active euchromatin. This leads to the decrease of protein synthesis in a cell [11]. Thus ageing phase of the organism reveals several levels of disfunction and may be classified as a systemic syndrome. Promising results of immunodeficiency correction by endogenous regulatory peptides testified the necessity of further enhanced studies [4,5].

Discovery of peptide regulation of ageing

It is known that specific limit of animal and human lifespan is approximately 30-40% higher than their mean lifespan. It could be referred to the impact of adverse factors causing changes in the gene structure and expression accompanied by disorders in the protein synthesis and organism functioning (Fig. 1).


Fig. 1. Potential increase in the average human lifespan up to the specific limit (biological reserve).
At the beginning of the 1970ies we studied the mechanism of immunodepression both experimentally and clinically. We found out that with ageing there takes place an involution of the central organ of immune system – thymus (Fig. 2, 3) and that of the neuroendocrine system – pineal gland. We also registered definite decrease of protein synthesis in cells of different organism tissues (Fig. 4).

Subcapsular cortex area (open biopsy, a 2-year old child).
A – hematoxylin and eosin staining;
B – thymic polypeptides fluorescence in the bodies and processes of epithelial cells forming Klark’s alveoli, as well as granules on the thymocyte membranes inside alveoli.

Subcapsular cortex area (open biopsy, a 2-year old child).
A – hematoxylin and eosin staining;
B – thymic polypeptides fluorescence in the bodies and processes of epithelial cells forming Klark’s alveoli, as well as granules on the thymocyte membranes inside alveoli.

Fig. 2. Age-related involution of thymus (indirect immunofluorescent method with antibodies to thymic polypeptides, x600).

Fig. 3. Expression of transcription proteins (PAX 1) in human thymus epithelial cells (the study was conducted in cooperation with Prince Philippe Biomedical Research Center, Valencia, Spain).

Fig. 4. Protein synthesis in hepatocytes of rats of different age.
To restore functions of thymus, pineal gland and other organs we developed a special method for isolation, refinement and fractionating of low-molecular peptides from extracts of these organs [12, 13]. Low-molecular peptides isolated from thymus (preparation Thymalin) and pineal gland (preparation Epithalamin) of animals were studied in different biologic models. These peptide preparations contributed to a reliable increase in animals mean lifespan in numerous experiments (Fig. 5) [12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17]. Of particular importance is a correlation between mean lifespan and the main index of cellular immunity (reaction of blast-transformation of lymphocytes with phytohaemagglutinin) determining T lymphocytes function (Fig. 6) [14].

Fig. 5. The increase in the average lifespan up to the specific limit after peptide preparations application (mean results after 15 experiments).

Fig. 6. Peptide preparations effect on mean lifespan and reaction of blast-transformation of lymphocytes with phytohaemagglutinin in mice.
A significant increase in the mean lifespan of animals was evidently caused by a reliable antitumoral activity (Fig. 7) of low-molecular peptides isolated from thymus and pineal gland [14, 15, 17, 18, 19].

Fig. 7. Effect of pineal gland preparation on the frequency of tumor incidence in animals.
Small peptides isolated from different organs and tissues as well as their synthesized analogues (di-, tri-, tetrapeptides) revealed a realiable tissue specific (gene specific) effects both in cellular cultures and in experimental in young and old animals (Fig. 8).

Fig. 8. Peptide tissue-specific (gene-specific) regulation.
Peptide tissue specific activity manifested in stimulation of protein synthesis in cells of those organs they had been isolated from. The enhancement of protein synthesis under the effect of peptide has been registered in young and old animals (Fig. 9).

Fig. 9. Effect of the liver and pineal peptide preparations on protein synthesis intensity in hepatocyte monolayer culture in rats of different age
Especially significant appeared restoration of reproductive function system in old female rats subjected to the pineal peptide treatment (Fig. 10) [13]. Estrus phase in animals, analogous to menopause in women, lowered from the initial 95% down to 52% after the preparation administration, while other phases of the cycle, typical of the normal estrus, increased from the initial 5% up to 48%. It should be emphasized that in a special experiment initially none of the rats got pregnant after mating. Repeated mating after the administration of the pineal gland peptide entailed pregnancy in 4 out of 16 animals which gave birth to 5-9 healthy off-springs each.

Fig. 10. Effect of peptide preparation of the pineal gland on constant estrus in old female rats.
Thus there were ascertained main advantages of low-molecular peptides: they possessed high biologic activity, revealed tissue specificity and were neither species specific nor immunogenic. These features make regulatory peptides similar to peptide hormones [16, 20, 21].
A detailed study of molecular weight, chemical properties, amino acid composition and sequence of low-molecular peptides isolated from thymus, pineal gland and other organs had been carried out for many years [22, 23, 24, 25, 26]. The obtained data were used for chemical synthesis of several small peptides. A comparative analysis showed that biological activity of natural and synthetic preparations was largely identical. Thus, for example, thymus dipeptide stimulated immunity [24, 25]. Biological activity of natural and synthetic peptides appeared to be similar in standard testing in tissue cultures and in animals [27, 28, 29, 30]. These results demonstrate prospects for application of these peptides as geroprotectors [31, 32, 33]. The necessity of searching for new drugs – geroprotectors dictated the onset of preclinical studies of these preparations on different structural levels.

On the level of the organism in different animals we have registered a significant variety of biologic effects exerted by small peptides especially by peptides of thymus and pineal gland, including proliferative activity and apoptosis [34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42].

On the level of cellular structures, small peptides activate heterochromatine in the cell nuclei in senile patients (Table 1) [11, 43].

As it was said above there are two forms of chromatin in the cellular nucleus: light euchromatin and dense heterochromatin located near nuclear membrane. Gene transcription takes place in the light phase, that’s in euchromatin. With ageing the amount of heterochromatin in the nucleus increases on average from 63% to 80%. Regulatory peptides entail the increase in the amount of euchromatin in the nucleus. This means that more genes become available for transcription factors, and transcription of gene information goes on more intensively as well as protein synthesis. In other words the more euchromatin there is in the nucleus the more intensive the protein synthesis in the cell is [10, 11, 43].

The capability of peptides to induce polypotential cells differentiation is of special significance (Fig. 11) [42]. Thus addition of retinal peptides to polypotential cells of Xenopus laevis early gastrula ectoderm led to the emergence of retinal and pigment epithelium cells. This outstanding result explains a pronounced clinical effect of the preparation of the retina in patients with retinal degenerations [42] and in animals with genetically determined retinitis pigmentosa.

Fig. 11. Induction effect of retinal peptides on the polypotent cells of Xenopus laevis early gastrula ectoderm.

On a chromosome level the number of chromosomes aberrations was used a marker of DNA damages in an ageing organism. Somatic mutations can occur due to accumulation of stable aberrations and underlie age-related pathology, including malignant neoplasia. Reliable antimutagenic and reparative activity of thymus and pineal gland peptides have been confirmed by a reduction in the number of chromosome aberrations in the bone marrow cells and cornea epithelium cells in animals revealing accelerated ageing [45].

On the level of gene activity regulation it was established that administration of peptides Lys-Glu and Ala-Glu-Asp-Gly to transgenic mice caused a 2–3.6-fold suppression of HER-2/neu gene expression (human breast cancer) as compared to the control group. This suppression is accompanied by a reliable reduction of the tumor diameter (Fig. 12) [41].

Fig. 12. Peptides effect on the development of mammary adenocarcinoma and HER-2/neu oncogene expression in transgenic mice (the study was conducted in cooperation with the National Research Centre on Ageing, Ancona, Italy).

It was revealed that addition of tetrapeptide Ala-Glu-Asp-Gly to the cultural medium of human lung fibroblasts induces telomerase gene expression and contributes to a 2.4-fold lengthening of telomeres. Activation of gene expression is accompanied by a growing number of cellular divisions (by 42.5%), which is the evidence of Hayflick’s limit overcoming (Fig. 13) [46, 47].

The effect of di- and tetrapeptides Lys-Glu, Glu-Trp, Ala-Glu-Asp-Gly, Ala-Glu-Asp-Pro on the expression of 15 247 murine heart and brain genes before and after peptides administration was studied with the employment of DNA-microarray technology [48]. In this experiment, there were used clones from the library of the National Institute on Ageing, USA. This experiment provided unique data on alteration in the expression of different genes under the effect of peptide preparations (Fig. 11). An important conclusion driven from the experiment was that every peptide specifically regulates particular genes. Results of this experiment testify to the existing mechanism of peptide regulation of gene activity. It was also registered that dipeptide Lys-Glu, showing immunomodulating activity, regulates gene interleukin-2 expression in blood lymphocytes [49].

Fig. 13. Overcoming human somatic cell division limit due to introduction of the peptide into the culture of the pulmonic fibroblasts.

Fig. 14. Peptide effect on gene expression in the heart of mice (the study was conducted in cooperation with the National Institute on Aging, Baltimore, USA).

On the molecular level, there was an obvious gap between multiple evidence of specific effects, caused by regulatory peptides in activation of gene transcription [50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58], and limited schemes of the process underlying the selective binding of the transcription factor with specific DNA sites. Meanwhile non-specific binding of proteins with the DNA double helix was proved using physicochemical methods [59]. Activation of gene transcription in cells of higher organisms as a rule needs dozens of macromolecular activators and transcription factors.

We proposed a molecular model of interaction between regulatory peptides and DNA double helix in gene promoter region of (Fig. 15, 16, 17, 18) [60, 61].

Fig. 15. Unfolded peptide Ala-Glu-Asp-Gly conformation (plan projection). There are shown end and side functional groups, capable of complementary interaction with DNA.
—NH3 – proton donors groups;
=O – proton acceptors groups;
—CH3 – hydrophobic (methyl) group.
Bold line – main peptide chain.

Fig. 16. Metric location of functional groups exposed onto the surface of the DNA major groove in case of embedding of each nucleotide pair into DNA double helix. Dash line – perpendicular plane, where aromatic structures of nucleic bases are located.
—NH2 – proton donors groups;
=7N – proton acceptors groups;
—CH3 – hydrophobic (methyl) group.

Fig. 17. Sequence of nucleotide pairs in the DNA double helix, functional groups of which are complimentary to functional groups of Ala-Glu-Asp-Gly peptide. This sequence is many times repeated on the promoter segment of telomerase gene.

Fig. 18. Scheme of complementary interaction of tetrapeptide Ala-Glu-Asp-Gly with DNA double helix (“DNA-tetrapeptide” complex on the promoter segment of telomerase gene).
Geometrical and chemical complementarity of peptide amino acid sequence and DNA nucleotide pairs sequence was assumed as a basis for the molecular model. Regulatory peptide recognizes a specific site in the DNA double helix if its own amino acid sequence is complementary to the DNA nucleotide sequence for a sufficient length. In other words their interaction is specific due to matching sequences.
Each sequence of the DNA double helix nucleotide pairs forms a unique pattern of functional groups on the surface of the DNA double helix major groove. A peptide in the unfolded β-conformation can complimentary fit into the in the DNA major groove along the double helix axis. We used data on molecular geometry of the DNA double-helix and peptide β-thread from scientific publications in order to identify nucleotide pairs sequence for specific binding of the DNA and peptide Ala-Glu-Asp-Gly. The screening conducted showed that this tetrapeptide can be located in the DNA major groove with the ATTTG (or ATTTC) nucleotide sequence on the main chain in compliance with the complementarity of disposition of their functional groups [59].

For experimental testing of the molecular model there were used synthetic preparations: DNA [poly(dA-dT):poly(dA-dT)] (double helix) and tetrapeptide Ala-Glu-Asp-Gly. Gel chromatography helped to prove that peptide Ala-Glu-Asp-Gly forms stable intermolecular complex with the DNA double helix (Fig. 19) [61].

1 – individual Ala-Glu-Asp-Gly peptide
2 – free DNA double helix [poly (dA-dT) : poly (dA-dT)]
3 – mixture of peptide and DNA
Fig. 19. HPLC of peptide and DNA on sefadex G-25 in physiological solution at room temperature.
Complementary binding of the peptide with nucleotides sequence on the leading strand TATATA of the double helix can be conducted by six hydrogenous and one hydrophobic bonds between functional groups of the both participants.
Under normal physiological conditions DNA exists in the form of a double helix two polymeric chains of which are kept together by hydrogenous bindings between pairs of bases of each chain. Most of the biological processes with DNA participation (transcription, replications) need the double helix to undergo disjunction into separate strands. In particular, it is known, that local separation of double helix strands precedes gene transcription by RNA polymerase. For the transcription onset (synthesis of the matrix RNA) the DNA double helix has to be freed from histones, and in the place where the matrix RNA synthesis starts, the strands of the double helix should be disintegrated (Fig. 20).

Fig. 20. The scheme of local separation of strands [poly (dA-dT) : poly (dA-dT)] as a result of peptide Ala-Glu-Asp-Gly binding in DNA double helix major groove.
Concentration dependent hyperchromic effect (increased optic density 260 nm) was found by spectrophotometery of solutions containing synthetic DNA double helix and tetrapeptide Ala-Glu-Asp-Gly. The hyperchromic effect points out a partial destruction of hydrogen bonds between nucleotide pairs of the double helix and local separation of its strands (allosteric conformational changes) [61].

It was experimentally revealed that detachment (melting) of free DNA strands occurs at the temperature +69.50С. In the “DNA-tetrapeptide” system melting of the double helix occurred at the temperature +28°С and was characterized by approximately 2-fold decrease in the values of entropy and enthalpy. This fact points out a thermodynamically simplified way of the DNA strands separation in temperature settings typical of biochemical processes of the majority of living organisms. In vitro experiments show that a small peptide of the definite structure and amino acid sequence can participate in activation of genes transcription on the stage of strands disjunction in the DNA double helix. Biochemical aspect of this phenomenon consists in similarity of structure and amino acid sequence of a regulatory peptide and a specific segment of the peptide chain of the macromolecular transcription factor.

Thus, the studies of peptides biological activity on different structural levels and of physicochemical processes of their interaction proved an indubitably high physiologic activity of peptide regulators. Major conclusion reads that peptides are capable of regulating gene expression. Pre-clinical trials demonstrated high biological activity and safety of synthesized peptides [61, 63, 64, 65]. Thus, the administration of peptides Lys-Glu, Ala-Glu-Asp-Gly to animals contributes to a reduced incidence of tumors and an increase of mean lifespan [66, 67, 68]. Peptide Ala-Glu-Asp-Pro stimulates nerve regeneration [69], peptide Lys-Glu-Asp-Trp decreases blood glucose level in animals with experimental diabetes mellitus [70].

Taking into consideration a reliable biological activity of peptides we found it reasonable to study the effect of regulatory peptides in monkeys. Restoration of the melatonin level up to normal following the administration of the peptide preparation to old monkeys was among our significant achievements.

Fig. 21. The peptide effect on melatonin production in monkeys of different age.
The same old monkeys revealed a restoration to normal indices of a daily rhythm of secretion of the main hormone of adrenal gland – cortisol (Fig. 22).

Fig. 22. The peptide effect on cortisol production in monkeys of different age (in the morning and in the evening).

Taking into consideration the encouraging data testifying to high geroprotective activity of both natural tissue specific and synthetic peptide preparations we have been concentrating our attention on studies of geroprotective activity of peptides in old and senile people in recent years [42, 57, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76]. Thus, annual treatment course with thymus and pineal preparations led to a reliable decrease in mortality (Table 2), due to improvement of brain function and that of immune, endocrine, cardio-vascular systems, increased density of osseous tissue (Fig. 23, 24) [42, 57, 71, 72]. It is noteworthy that application of preparation of the thymus led to a 2-fold decrease in frequency of acute respiratory disease (Fig. 25) [57]. The restoration of melatonin secretion level in patients subjected to administration of preparation of the pineal gland is of special significance (Fig. 26) [71, 71]. These results suggest good prospects for tackling demographic issues [77].

Fig. 23. Effect of thymus preparation on metabolism in elderly patients (60-74 y.o.).

Fig. 24. Dynamics of reaction of blast-transformation of lymphocytes with phytohaemagglutinin index in elderly patients in 3 years after 6 courses of peptide preparations.

Fig. 25. ARD incidence in elderly and old people treated with thymus preparation

Fig. 26. Effect of the pineal gland preparation on melatonin level in elderly people.


The mechanisms of ageing studies showed that an involution of the main organs and tissues of the organism accompanied by a decrease of protein synthesis in cells underlies the process of ageing.
Peptide preparations isolated from organs of young animals when introduced into an old organism are capable of inducing protein synthesis, followed by restoration of the main functions.

It was registered that long-term application of peptides, both isolated from the organs and synthesized from the amino acid, in animals (as a rule starting from the second half of their life) leads to a reliable increase in their mean lifespan by 20-40% and reaching a specific limit.
It was revealed that small peptides (di-, tri- and tetrapeptides) are capable of complementary interaction with the DNA specific binding site on the promoter segment of genes, inducing disjoining of double helix strands and RNA polymerase activation. Discovery of the phenomenon of peptide activation of gene transcription points out the natural mechanism of organism to maintain physiologic functions, which is based on the complementary interaction of the DNA and regulatory peptides. This process is fundamental for the development and functioning of the living substance (Fig. 27, 28), while ageing is an evolutionary determined biologic process of age-related changes in gene structure and expression. Application of peptide bioregulators in humans for preventive purposes led to a significant rehabilitation of the main physiological functions and a reliable mortality decrease in different age groups during the period of 6-12 years.

Fig. 27. The role of peptides in the cycle of DNA, RNA and protein biosynthesis.
It should be emphasized that this approach to the prevention of ageing is based not only on experimental and clinical data, but also on technological developments having world novelty [78, 79, 80, 81, 82].
The author and his group believe that the whole complex of 35-year experimental and clinical studies may serve a vital contribution to the advancement of a scientific heritage of the prominent Russian scientist I.I. Mechnikov in the field of gerontology and will be to the benefit of people, especially for those of old and old old age


The author expresses his sincere gratitude to: Academicians of the Russian Academy of Sciences and of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences A.I. Grigoriev, M.A. Paltsev, R.V. Petrov; Academicians of the Russian Academy of Sciences V.T. Ivanov, S.G. Inge-Vechtomov, A.D. Nozdrachev; Academicians of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences V.G. Artamonova, I.P. Ashmarin, N.P. Bochkov, F.I. Komarov, E.A. Korneva, B.A. Lapin, G.A. Sofronov, K.V. Sudakov, B.I. Tkachenko, V.A. Tutelyan, Academicians of the Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine O.V. Korkushko and G.M. Butenko, Associate Members of the Russian Academy of Sciences D.P. Dvoretskiy, Associate Members of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences G.M. Yakovlev, Professors V.N. Anisimov, A.V. Arutjunian, B.I. Kuznik, L.K. Shataeva, researchers of the Saint Petersburg Institute of Bioregulation and Gerontology of the North-Western Branch of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences Professors I.M. Kvetnoy, V.V. Malinin, V.G. Morozov, G.A. Ryzhak, distinguished doctor of the Russian Federation L.V. Kozlov, doctors E.I. Grigoriev Ph.D., S.V. Anisimov Ph.D., I.E. Bondarev Ph.D., O.N. Mikhailova Ph.D., A.A. Chernova, and foreign colleagues Professors T.A. Lezhava (Georgia), A.I. Yashin (USA), J. Atzpodien (Germany), K.R. Boheler (USA), C. Franceschi (Italy), E. Lakatta (USA), J. Martinez (France), M. Passeri (Italy) for their significant contribution into our research work.

You can purchase original Khavinson peptide bioregulators from the official US distributor below.


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  20. Alexandrov V.A., Bespalov V.G., Morozov V.G., Khavinson V. Kh., Anisimov V.N. Study of the post-natal effects of chemopreventive agents on ethylnitrosourea-induced transplacental carcinogenesis in rats. II. Influence of low-molecular-weight polypeptide factors from the thymus, pineal glands, bone marrow, anterior hypothalamus, brain cortex and brain white substance // Carcinogenesis. – 1996. – Vol.17, N 8. – P. 1931-1934.
  21. Anisimov V.N., Mylnikov S.V., Oparina T.I., Khavinson V. Kh. Effect of melatonin and pineal peptide preparation epithalamin on lifespan and free radical oxidation in Drosophila melanogaster // Mech.Ageing Dev. – 1997. – Vol. 97. – P. 81-91.
  22. Morozov V.G., Khavinson V. Kh. US Patent N 5,070,076 «Thymus-Gland preparation and method for producing same»; 03.12.1991.
  23. Pisarev O.A., Morozov V. G., Khavinson V. Kh., Shataeva L.K., Samsonov G.V. Isolation, physico-chemical and biological propepties of the immunity polypeptide bioregulator from thymus // Chemistry of Peptides and Proteins. – Berlin, New York. – 1982. – Vol. 1. – P. 137 – 142.
  24. Morozov V.G., Khavinson V. Kh. US Patent N 5,538,951 «Pharmaceutical preparation for the therapy of immune deficiency conditions»; 23.07.1996.
  25. Morozov V.G., Khavinson V. Kh. US Patent N 6,136,788 «Pharmaceutical preparation for the therapy of immune deficiency conditions»; 24.10.2000.
  26. Morozov V.G., Khavinson V. Kh. Natural and synthetic thymic peptides as therapeutics for immune dysfunction // Int.J. Immunopharmacology. – 1997. – Vol. 19, N 9/10. – P 501-505.
  27. Anisimov V.N., Khavinson V. Kh., Morozov V.G. Effect of synthetic dipeptide ThymogenТ (Glu-Trp) on lifespan and spontaneous tumor incidence in rats // The Gerontologist. – 1998. – Vol. 38. – P. 7-8.
  28. Anisimov V.N., Mylnikov S.V., Khavinson V. Kh. Pineal peptide preparation epithalamin increases the lifespan of fruit flies, mice and rats // Mech. Ageing Dev. – 1998. – Vol. 103. – P. 123-132.
  29. Anisimov V.N., Khavinson V. Kh., Morozov V.G. Immunomodulatory peptide L-Glu-L-Trp slows down aging and inhibits spontaneous carcinogenesis in rats // Biogerontology. – 2000. – V. 1. – P. 55-59.
  30. Khavinson V. Kh., Chalisova N.I., Okulov V.B. The neurite-stimulating effect of peptides from brain in dorsal root ganglion neuron organotypic culture // Prim. Sensory Neuron. – 1997. – Vol. 2, N 3. – P. 191-200..
  31. Khavinson V. Kh., Solovieva D.V. New approach to the prophylaxis and treatment of age-related pathology // Romanian J. of Gerontology and Geriatrics. – 1998. – Vol. 20, N 1. – P. 28-34.
  32. Kvetnoy I.M., Reiter R.J., Khavinson V. Kh. Claude Bernard was right: hormones may be produced by “non-endocrine” cells // Neuroendocrinology Lett. – 2000. – Vol. 21. – P. 173-174.
  33. Khavinson V. Kh. US Patent N 6,727,227 B1 «Tetrapeptide revealing geroprotective effect, pharmacological substance on its basis, and the method of its application»; 27.04.2004.
  34. Khavinson V. Kh., Myl’nikov S.V. Effect of pineal tetrapeptide on antioxidant defense in Drosophila melanogaster // Bulletin Exp. Biol. Med. (Rus.) – 2000. – Vol. 129, № 4. – P. 355 – 356.
  35. Khavinson V. Kh., Izmailov D.M., Obukhova L.K., Malinin V.V Effect of epitalon on the lifespan increase in Drosophila melanogaster // Mech. Ageing Dev. – 2000. –V. 120. – P. 141–149.
  36. Anisimov V.N., Arutjunyan A.V., Khavinson V. Kh. Effects of pineal peptide preparation Epithalamin on free-radical processes in humans and animals // Neuroendocrinology Lett. – 2001. – Vol. 22. – P. 9-18.
  37. Anisimov V.N., Khavinson V. Kh., Mikhalski A.I., Yashin A.I. Effect of synthetic thymic and pineal peptides on biomarkers of ageing, survival and spontaneous tumour incidence in female CBA mice // Mech. Ageing Dev. – 2001. – V. 122, N. 1. – P. 41-68.
  38. Khavinson V. Kh., Goncharova N., Lapin B. Synthetic tetrapeptide epitalon restores disturbed neuroendocrine regulation in senescent monkeys // Neuroendocrinology Lett. – 2001. – V. 22. – P. 251-254.
  39. Khavinson V. Kh., Morozov V.G., Anisimov V.N. Experimental studies of the pineal gland preparation Epithalamin. – The pineal gland and cancer. – Bartsch C., Bartsch H., Blask D.E., Cardinali D.P., Hrushesky W.J.M., Mecke D. (Eds.) – Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg. – 2001. – P. 294-306.
  40. Anisimov V.N., Khavinson V. Kh., Popovich I.G., Zabezhinski M.A. Inhibitory effect of peptide Epitalon on colon carcinogenesis induced by 1,2-dimethylhydrazine in rats // Cancer Lett. – 2002. – V. 183. – P. 1-8.
  41. Anisimov V.N., Khavinson V. Kh., Provinciali M., Alimova I.N., Baturin D.A., Popovich I.G., Zabezhinski M.A., Imyanitov E.N., Mancini R., Franceschi C. Inhibitory effect of the peptide epitalon on the development of spontaneous mammary tumors in Her-2/NEU transgenic mice // Int. J. Cancer. – 2002. V. 101. – P. 7-10.
  42. Khavinson V. Kh. Peptides and ageing. – Neuroendocrinology Letters. – Special Issue, 2002. – 144 p.
  43. Khavinson V. Kh., Lezhava T.A., Monaselidze J.R., Jokhadze T.A., Dvalis N.A., Bablishvili N.K., Trofimova S.V. Peptide Epitalon activates chromatin at the old age // Neuroendocrinology Lett. – 2003. – V. 24. N. 5 – P. 329-333.
  44. Khavinson V. Kh., Razumovsky M., Trofimova S., Grigorian R., Razumovskaya A. Pineal-regulating tetrapeptide epitalon improves eye retina condition in retinitis pigmentosa // Neuroendocrinology Lett. – 2002. – V. 23. – P. 365-368.
  45. Anisimov V.N., Popovich I.G., Zabezhinski M.A., Rosenfeld S.V. Spontaneous mutagenesis, carcinogenesis and aging in SAM mice: effect of melatonin, epitalon and neuronal // Proceedings of the 19th SAM meeting. – Ed. T.Takeda. Kyoto. – 2004. – P. 101-102.
  46. Khavinson V. Kh., Bondarev I., Butyugov A. Epitalon peptide induces telomerase activity and telomere elongation in human somatic cells. // Bulletin Exp. Biol. Med. (Rus). – 2004. – V. 135. N. 6. – P. 590-592.
  47. Khavinson V. Kh., Bondarev I., Butyugov A., Smirnova T. Peptide promotes overcoming of the division limit in human somatic cell // Bulletin Exp. Biol. Med. (Rus). – 2004. – V. 137. N. 5. – P. 613-616.
  48. Anisimov S.V., Boheler K.R., Khavinson V. Kh., Anisimov V.N. Elucidation of the effect of brain cortex tetrapeptide Cortagen on gene expression in mouse heart by microarray // Neuroendocrinology Lett. – 2004. – V. 25. N. 1/2. – P. 87-93.
  49. Khavinson V. Kh., Morozov V.G., Malinin V.V., Kazakova T.B., Korneva E.A. Effect of peptide Lys-Glu on Interleukin-2 gene expression in lymphocytes // Bulletin Exp. Biol. Med. (Rus.) – 2000. – Vol. 130, № 9. – P. 898–899.
  50. Khavinson V. Kh., Korneva E.A., Malinin V.V., Rybakina E.G., Pivanovich I.Yu., Shanin S.N. Effect of epitalon on interleukin-1Я signal transduction and the reaction of thymocyte blast transformation under stress // Neuroendocrinology Lett. – 2002. – V. 23. N. 5/6. – P. 411-416.
  51. Khavinson V. Kh., Rybakina E.G., Malinin V.V., Pivanovich I.Yu., Shanin S.N., Korneva E.A. Effects of Short Peptides on Thymocyte Blast Tpansformation and Signal Transduction along the Sphingomyelin Pathway // Bulletin Exp. Biol. Med. (Rus). – 2002. – V. 133, N. 5. – P. 497-499.
  52. Sibarov D.A., Kovalenko R.I., Malinin V.V., Khavinson V. Kh. Epitalon influences pineal secretion in stress-exposed rats in the daytime // Neuroendocrinology Lett. – 2002. – V. 23. – P. 452-454.
  53. Anisimov V.N., Khavinson V. Kh. Small peptide-associated modulation of aging and longevity. // Modulating aging and longevity. – Kluwer Academic Publishers (Printed in Great Britain) – S.I.S.Rattan (ed.). – 2003. – P. 279-301.
  54. Anisimov V.N., Khavinson V. Kh., Popovich I.G., Zabezhinski M.A., Alimova I.N., Rosenfeld S.V., Zavarzina N.Yu., Semenchenko A.V., Yashin A.I. Effect of epitalon on biomarkers of aging, lifespan and spontaneous tumor incidence in female swiss-derived SHR mice // Biogerontology. – 2003. – N 4. – P.193-202.
  55. Djeridane Y, Khavinson V. Kh., Anisimov V.N., Touitou Y. Effect of synthetic pineal tetrapeptide (Ala-Glu-Asp-Gly) on melatonin secretion by the pineal gland of young and old rats // J.Endocrinol.Invest. – 2003. – Vol. 26, N 3. – P. 211-215.
  56. Kossoy G., Zandbank J., Tendler E., Anisimov V.N., Khavinson V. Kh., Popovich I.G., Zabezhinski M.A., Zusman I., Ben-Hur H. Epitalon and colon carcinogenesis in rats: proliferative activity and apoptosis in colon tumors and mucosa // Int. J. Mol. Med. – 2003. – V.12, N. 4. – P. 473-477.
  57. Khavinson V., Morozov V. Peptides of pineal gland and thymus prolong human life // Neuroendocrinology Lett. – 2003. – V. 24. N. 3/4. – P. 233-240.
  58. Labunets I.F., Butenko G.M., Khavinson V. Kh. Effect of bioactive factors of the pineal gland on thymus function and cell composition of the bone marrow and spleen in mice of different age // Bulletin Exp. Biol. Med. (Rus). – 2004. – V. 137. N. 5. – P. 620-622.
  59. Riadnova I.Yu., Shataeva L.K., Khavinson V. Kh. DNA-protein interaction studied in model systems // Polymer Science, Ser. A. – 2000. – V. 42, № 5. – P. 551-556.(Rus)
  60. Khavinson V., Shataeva L., Chernova A. DNA double-helix binds regulatory peptides similarly to transcription factors // Neuroendocrinology Lett. – 2005. – V. 26. N. 3. – P. 237-241.
  61. Khavinson V. Kh., Solovyov A.Yu, Shataeva L.K Molecular mechanism of interaction between oligopeptides and double-stranded DNA // Bulletin Exp. Biol. Med. (Rus). – 2006. – V. 141. N. 4. – P. 457-461.
  62. Khavinson V. Kh., Myl’nikov S.V. Effect of Epitalone on the age-specific changes in the time course of lipid peroxidation in Drosophila melanogaster // Bulletin Exp. Biol. Med. (Rus.) – 2000. – Vol. 130, № 11. – P. 1116–1119.
  63. Khavinson V. Kh. Tissue-specific effects of peptides // Bulletin Exp. Biol. Med. (Rus.) – 2001. – Vol. 132, № 2. – P. 807–808.
  64. Khavinson V. Kh., Myl’nikov S.V., Oparina T.I. Effect of peptides on generation of reactive oxygen species in subcellular fractions of Drosophila melanogaster // Bulletin Exp. Biol. Med. (Rus.) – 2001. – Vol. 132, № 1. – P. 682–685.
  65. Khavinson V. Kh., Egorova V.V., Timofeeva N.M., Malinin V.V., Gordova L.A. and Gromova L.V. Effect of Vilon and Epithalon on Glucose and Glycine Absorption in Various Regions of Small Intestine in Aged Rats // Bulletin Exp. Biol. Med. (Rus). – 2002. – V. 133. N. 5. – P. 494-496.
  66. Khavinson V. Kh., Anisimov V.N., Zavarzina N.Yu., Zabezhinskii M.A., Zimina O.A., Popovich I.G., Shtylik A.V., Malinin V.V., Morozov V.G. Effect of vilon on biological age and lifespan in mice // Bulletin Exp. Biol. Med. (Rus.) – 2000. – Vol. 130, № 7. – P. 687–690.
  67. Pliss G.B., Mel’nikov A.S., Malinin V.V., Khavinson V. Kh. Inhibitory effect of peptide vilon on the development of induced rat urinary bladder tumors in rats // Bulletin Exp. Biol. Med. (Rus.) – 2001. – Vol. 131, № 6. – P. 558–560.
  68. Vinogradova I.A, Bukalev A.V., Zabezhinski M.A., Semenchenko A.V., Khavinson V. Kh., Anisimov S.V. Effect of Ala-Glu-Asp-Gly peptide on lifespan and development of spontaneous tumors in female rats exposed to different illumination regimes // Bulletin Exp. Biol. Med. (Rus.) – 2007. – Vol. 144, № 6. – P. 825–830.
  69. Turchaninova L.N., Kolosova L.I., Malinin V.V., Moiseeva A.B., Nozdrachev A.D., Khavinson V. Kh. Effect of tetrapeptide Cortagen on regeneration of sciatic nerve // Bulletin Exp. Biol. Med. (Rus.) – 2000. – Vol. 130, № 12. – P. 1172–1174.
  70. Khavinson V. Kh., Gavrisheva N.A., Malinin V.V., Chefu S.G., Trofimov E.L. Effect of Pancragen on blood glucose level, capillary permeability and adhesion in rats with experimental diabetes mellitus // Bulletin Exp. Biol. Med. (Rus.) – 2007. – Vol. 144, № 4. – P. 559–562.
  71. Labunets I.F., Butenko G.M., Magdich L.V., Korkushko O.V., Khavinson V. Kh., Shatilo V.B. Effect of epithalamin on circadian relationship between the endocrine function of the thymus and meiatonin–producing function of the pineal gland in elderly people // Bulletin Exp. Biol. Med. (Rus). – 2004. – V. 137. N. 5. – P. 617-619 .
  72. Korkushko O.V., Khavinson V. Kh., Shatilo V.B., Magdich L.V. Effect of peptide preparation epithalamin on circadian rhythm of epiphyseal melatonin–producing function in elderly people // Bulletin Exp. Biol. Med. (Rus). – 2004. – V. 137. N. 4. – P. 389-391.
  73. Vladimir N.Anisimov, Vladimir Kh. Khavinson. Pineal peptides as modulators of aging // Aging interventions and therapies – World Scientific.- Suresh I S Rattan (ed.). – 2005. – P.127-146.
  74. Khavinson V. Kh., Malinin V.V. Gerontological aspects of genome peptide regulation // Basel (Switzerland): Karger AG, – 2005. – 104 p.
  75. Goncharova N.D., Vengerin A.A., Khavinson V. Kh., Lapin B.A. Pineal peptides restore the age-related disturbances in hormonal functions of the pineal gland and the pancreas // – Experimental Gerontology. – 2005. – V.40. – P. 51-57.
  76. Kozina L.S., Arutjunyаn A.V., Khavinson V. Kh. Antioxidant properties of geroprotective peptides of the pineal gland // Arch. Gerontol. Geriatr. Suppl. 1. – 2007. – P. 213-216.
  77. Khavinson V. Kh., Mikhailova O.N. Health and aging in Russia // Clobal health and global aging / (ed. by Mary Robinson et al.); foreword by Robert Butler. – L st ed. – 2007. – P. 226-237.
  78. Khavinson V. Kh., US Patent N 7,101,854 B2 «Tetrapeptide stimulating the functional activity of hepatocytes, pharmacological substance on its basis and the method of its application»; 05.09.2006.
  79. Khavinson V. Kh., Morozov V.G., Malinin V.V., Grigoriev E.I.; US Patent N 7,189,701 B1 «Tetrapeptide stimulating the functional activity of neurons, pharmacological agent based thereon and method of use thereof»; 13.03.2007.
  80. Khavinson V. Kh., Malinin V.V., Grigoriev E.I., Ryzhak G.A.; LV Patent N 13462 «Tetrapeptide regulating blood glucose level in diabetes mellitus»; 20.02.2007.
  81. Khavinson V. Kh., Ryzhak G.A., Grigoriev E.I., Ryadnova I.Yu.; EP Patent N 1 758 922 B1 «Peptide substance restoring function of respiratory organs»; 13.02.2008.
  82. Khavinson V. Kh., Ryzhak G.A., Grigoriev E.I., Ryadnova I.Yu.; EP Patent N 1 758 923 B1 «Peptide substance restoring myocardium function»; 13.02.2008.

Clinical Study Of Khavinson A-12 Chitomur Peptide

The dietary supplement Chitomur contains a complex of low-molecular peptides with molecular weight up to 5000 Da, isolated from the tissues of the urinary bladder wall of young animals – calves aged up to 12 months. Chitomur is manufactured in the form of tablets or capsules with a content of active substance 10 mg.

Experimental studies have shown that the peptides possess tissue-specific action on the cells of the tissues from which they were isolated. Chitomur peptides regulate metabolism processes in the urinary bladder wall cells, increase their safety margins, having a favorable effect on the organism adaptation processes in extreme conditions, the possess anti-oxidative properties, regulating peroxide oxidation processes in the urinary bladder wall tissues. So it is possible to extrapolate an efficiency of administration of Chitomur for restoration of the function of the urinary bladder and their disorders of various origin.

Among the disease most frequent in elderly persons there is one which considerably worsens quality of life of the patients and worsening a course of concomitant pathology, it is pathology of urine bladder. There are many elderly persons with various functional disorders of lower urinary tracts, especially – overactive bladder (OAB). The diagnosis is made when there is no hormonal, metabolic or other obvious diseases (urinary infection, urinary bladder cancer, prostate adenoma etc.), which may result in these symptoms.

The risk of overactive bladder syndrome is higher late in life. Critical age is 60 years – the elderly persons of this age have highest OAB frequency. Increase in the risk of OAB for men can also be explained by benign hyperplasia of prostate, which affects about half of all men at the age of 60. Thus, absence of hyperplasia not necessarily means age-related changes of urinary bladder, which are nearly identical in men and women.

It is assumed that postmenopausal period is also related to increased risk of OAB development. More than 60% of menopausal women have urination disorders. However a role of sex hormones is not quite clear. The results of replacement hormonal therapy in such patients are not so clear, and instead of improvement it may result in worsening of OAB symptoms. Thus many anatomic and physiological age-related changes can result in OAB symptoms development. Nevertheless urina incontinence cannot be considered as the only sign of ageing. In addition some functional disorders such as limited mobility and functional disorders of upper extremities, together with poor eyesight can worsen the course of OAB. It should be remembered that pharmacological preparations, used for treatment of concomitant diseases, can also play a part in it. For example diuretic agents may result in considerable increase in urination frequency and imitate OAB symptoms.

Treatment of urinary bladder dysfunction depends of etiology of pathological condition. Chronic cystitis requires antibacterial therapy; detrusor dysfunction requires atropine group medicines; neurogenic urinary bladder disorder – M-cholinoblockers (oxybutin, tolterodin, dariphnacin).

Clinical characteristic of the patients

Clinical study of Chitomur use was carried out at the Medical center of the Saint Petersburg Institute of Bioregulation and Gerontology during the period from March till November 2011. 28 men at the age from 45 to 62 years with a diagnosis benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH) and 31 women at the age from 48 to 56 years with a diagnosis overactive bladder (OAB) have taken part in the study. All the patients were complaining of urination dysfunction.

Distribution of the patients by clinical entities and age

Table 1

The patients of the main groups (18 men and 22 women) have been taking Chitomur in addition to the general purpose medicines – 1 capsule, 2 times a day before meal for 30 days. The patients of the control group (10 men and 9 women) received only general purpose treatment. Distribution of the patients by groups is shown in the table 1.

Chitomur efficiency was assessed on the basis of the patients complaints, general clinical examination of blood and urine, biochemical blood analysis, abdominal pressure level at urination and urine flow, fluorometric index.

Examination results

The results of clinical study of Chitomur have shown, that pollakiuria (polyuria) has completely disappeared in 88.3% of patients with BPH, 93.2% of patients does not need to urinate at night. Strangury (difficult urination) has disappeared in 74.8% patients and 26.7% of patients have noticed considerable improvement of the urine flow and alleviation of urination. Dynamics of the results in patients with BPH before and after the treatment course of treatment using Chitomur is shown in the table 2.

Influence of Chitomur on the urodynamics in patients with benign hyperplasia of prostate.

Table 2

The state of health of the patients with BPH after treatment using Chitomur was characterized by improvement of subjective and objective indices or urodynamics.

It is worth noting that uroflowmetry results, registered after treatment of patients with BPH of I and II stage, have shown restoration of basic urination parameters to normal values. In case of III stage of the diseases it was prevented by decrease in elasticity of bladder neck due to sclerotic changes of the prostate tissue, but the patient had considerable improvement of the urine flow.

Women with climacteric syndrome and concomitant overactive bladder after Chitomur course have notices 38% decrease in imperative micturate urges and 43% decrease in the episodes of urgent incontinence, besides the assessment by the patients of the condition of the bladder has also improved. The degree of discomfort has decreased 1,8 times due to elimination of imperative urges, anxiety degree has decreased by 57%, and treatment satisfaction has reached 78%. Thus according to self-assessment of the patients, the decrease in anxiety due to urination disorder symptoms 1,8 times is better than positive dynamics of the symptoms, that is a sign of prevailing improvement in the quality of life of the women after treatment.

In a month after the end of treatment using Chitomur, all the patients have achieved an improvement in symptoms. After the end of administration of the drug the capacity of the bladder in these patients has increased by 10-20% for different urges. That can be explained by decrease in detrusor ischemic, which is really important for OAB pathogenesis.

Thus the results of the study carried out confirm therapeutic efficiency of Chitomur and expediency of its application as a part of complex treatment of diuretic disorders of various origin, including diseases of prostate in men and women with overactive bladder symptoms.
Chitomur does not cause any side effects, complications and drug dependence and can be used for treatment and prophylaxis, including in combination with any means of symptomatic therapy, used for urological practice (antibacterialm spasmolytics, vascular and hormonal preparations, vitamins etc.)


The dietary supplement Chitomur regulates functional activity of the cells of the wall and detrusor of the bladder, and normalizes urination function. Chitomur is well tolerated by patients at oral administration; it does not result in any side effects and can be widely used as a treatment and prophylactic dietary supplement.

Chitomur is recommended to patients with urination disorders of various origins – per os at meal time 1-2 capsules 2-3 times a day for 30 days. It is recommended to carry out another treatment course in 3-6 month.

You can purchase original Khavinson peptide bioregulators from the official US distributor below.


  1. Mashkovsky M.D. Medicines: Pharmacotherapy for doctors, manual: 2 parts. – Vilnius: ZAO “Gamta”, 1993.
  2. Andrology manual / Edited by O.L. Tiktinsky L.: Medicine, 1990. – 416 pages
  3. Sexopathology: guide / Edited by G.S. Vasilchenko.- M.: Medicine, 1990. – 576 page

Clinical Study of Khavinson A-9 Pielotax Peptide

The dietary supplement Pielotax contains a complex of low-molecular peptides with molecular weight up to 5000 Da, isolated from kidneys of young animals – calves aged up to 12 months. Pielotax is manufactured in the form of capsules with a content of active substance of 10 mg.
Experimental studies have shown that the peptides possess tissue-specific action on the cells of the tissues from which they were isolated. Pielotax peptides regulate metabolism processes in the kidney tissue cells, increase urination system safety margins, having a favorable effect on the organism adaptation processes in extreme conditions, they possess anti-oxidative properties, regulating peroxide oxidation processes in the kidneys. So it is possible to extrapolate an efficiency of administration of Pielotax for restoration of the function of the kidneys and their disorders of various origins.

Metabolic disorders, essential hypertension, infectious and autoimmune disorders, especially age-related, frequently results in kidney affection (3).

Drug treatment of kidney diseases includes administration of the following drugs (1, 2):
· 4-aminoquinolinic series drugs (chloroquine, plaquenil)
· Iimmunomodulatory drugs (thymalinum, levamisole)
· Hypotensive drugs
· Vitamins C and E (antioxidants); etc.

Clinical study of Pielotax was carried out at the Medical center of the Saint Petersburg Institute of Bioregulation and Gerontology since February till August 2011.

Clinical study of Pielotax was carried out in patients with gouty nephropathy; distribution of the patients by sex and age is shown in the table 1. In total 42 patients have been taking part in the study. The patients with gouty nephropathy were complaining of periodic pain in the joints. In connection with long term morbidity in some patients the inflammatory changes were subclinical. All the patients have been taking symptomatic and pathogenic therapy for the disease, which resulted in temporary reduction in intensity of the symptoms.

Using randomization method the patients were divided into 2 groups – control (15 people) and main (27 people). The patients of the control group have been taking general purpose medicines only. The patients of the main group have been taking Pielotax, in addition to the general purpose medicines – per os 10-15 minutes before meal 1-2 capsules, 3 times a day before meal for 30 days depending on intensity of the pathological process.

Distribution of the patients by diagnosis, sex and age

Table 1

Examination methods

The patient complaints were assessed and compared, general clinical studies of blood and urine were carried out together with blood biochemical test using “REFLOTRON” device (Boehringer Mannheim, Germany). Ultrasonic examination was carried out using ultrasonic device (ALOKA, Japan).

Examination results

As a result of the studies performed it was established that administration of Pielotax lead to decrease in clinical signs of nephropathy in case of gout in 78% of cases. However, most significant were the results of laboratory tests. The drug administration resulted in activation of metabolism of kidney tissues and intensification of secretory kidney function, which is reflected in dynamics of biochemical indices of the patients (table 2).

According to the data shown in the table 2, the patients of the control group, treated using general purpose methods, had an improvement of biochemical blood indices, reflecting the kidney function. However these indices did not reach normal values. In patients of the basic group the biochemical parameters has reached normal values for men and women. Thus, non-protein nitrogen in the control group has made on the average before treatment 35,4±0,8 (mmol/l, and after treatment – 30,5±0,6 (mmol/l (p<0,05), however in patients of the basic group the parameter decreased to 27,1±0,4 (mmol/l, which is definitely lower in comparison to the control group and corresponds to lower normal limit (28,6 (mmol/l). Same tendency can be seen in the dynamics of the blood urea: decrease in the initially elevated parameter in patients of both groups, however in the basic group this parameter has made 9,2±0,3 (mmol/l, which is close to its normal value (8,3 (mmol/l). There are also characteristic changes of uric acid content: both in men and women of the basic group after additional use of the drug under examination, the parameters were normalized – in men the amount of uric acid has decreased to 0,44±0,02 (mmol/l (in the control group 0,56±0,01 (mmol/l, norm up to 0,50 (mmol/l); in female of the basic group – up to 0,37±0,03 (mmol/l (in the control group 0,48±0,02 (mmol/l, norm up to 0,40 (mmol/l).

Influence of Pielotax on biochemical blood parameters in patients with gouty nephropathy

Table 2

Thus the results obtain confirm treatment efficiency of Pielotax and expediency of its administration in complex treatment of patients with gouty nephropathy and other diseases related to kidney dysfunction.
Pielotax does not result in side effects, complications and drug dependence.

Pielotax can be used as medical and preventive mean in the form of dietary supplement and in the form of adjunct in combination with any means of symptomatic and pathogenic therapy, used for treatment of patients with gouty nephropathy and other kidney diseases.


The dietary supplement Pielotax normalizes metabolism in kidney tissues. Pielotax is well tolerated by patients at oral administration; it does not result in any side effects and can be widely used as a treatment and prophylactic dietary supplement.
Pielotax is recommended to patients with gouty nephropathy and other diseases per os 10-15 minutes before meal 1-2 capsules 2-3 times a day for 15-30 days depending on severity of the pathological process. It is recommended to carry out repeated treatment courses in 3-6 month.

You can purchase original Khavinson peptide bioregulators from the official US distributor below.


  1. Belousov Y.B., Moiseev V.S., Lepakhin V.K. Clinical pharmacology and pharmacotherapy: Manual for doctors. – M.: Universum, 1993. – 398 pages
  2. Mashkovsky M.D. Medicines: Pharmacotherapy for doctors, manual: 2 parts. – Vilnius: ZAO “Gamta”, 1993.
  3. Geriatry manual / Edited by D.F. Chebotarev, N.B. Mankovsky. – M.: Medicine, 1982. – 544 pages

Clinical Study Of Khavinson A-8 Endoluten Peptide

The dietary supplement Endoluten contains a complex of low-molecular peptides with molecular weight up to 5000 Da, isolated from pineal gland (epiphysis) of young animals – calves aged up to 12 months. Endoluten is manufactured in the form of capsules with a content of active substance of 10 mg.

Experimental studies have shown that the peptides possess tissue-specific action on the cells of the tissues from which they were isolated. Endoluten peptides regulate metabolism processes in neuroendocrine cells of various tissues, including epiphysis, increase neuroendocrine system safety margins, having a favorable effect on the organism adaptation processes in extreme conditions; they possess anti-oxidative properties, regulating peroxide oxidation processes in various tissues. So it is possible to extrapolate an efficiency of administration of Endoluten for restoration of neuroendocrine regulation in case of its disorders of various origins. According to the results of experiments, Endoluten provides normalization of neuroendocrine regulation of basic functions of the organism.

It is well known, that decrease in functional activity of epiphysis results in decoupling of nervous, endocrine and immune systems, and provide development of various diseases and pathological conditions. An influence of extreme environmental, climatic-geographic, professional, psycho-emotional factors on human organism also results in neuroendocrine and immunological disorders, causing disadaptation disorders and psychosomatic diseases (3, 4, 5, 6).

Medicinal treatment of the diseases and pathological conditions includes application of various medicines, depending on symptoms of the disease. However the correction of the disorders is based on prescription of various medicines (1, 2):

• Adaptogens (ginseng, eleuterococcus, Rhaponticum carthamoides, Snowdon rose extracts, spikenard, devil’s-club infusions, saparal, pantocrin);
• Peptide immunomodulators (timalin, tactivin, timogen, mylopeptide);
• Epiphysis hormone (melatonin)
• Epiphysis peptides (epitalamin)
• Multivitamins etc.

However the drugs have side effects and cannot be prescribed for prevention of the listed pathological conditions. In this connection development of new effective and safe means for prophylaxis and increase in efficiency of treatment of patients with pathological conditions, related to neuroendocrine regulation disorders, is an pressing issue.

Clinical studies of Endoluten were carried out in 163 patients (including 48 men and 115 women) with dyshormonal myocardiodystrophy, physiogenic asthenia, mild and moderate climacteric syndrome in women and in oncological patients after the courses of radiation and chemotherapy, who have undergone a course of treatment at the Medical center of Saint Petersburg Institute of Bioregulation and Gerontology of the Northwest Branch of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences from January 2011 to August 2011. Distribution of the patients by clinical entities, sex and age is shown in the table 1.

Distribution of the patients by clinical entities, sex and age

Table 1

The patients were randomized into 2 groups, according to their clinical entity: control groups included 64 persons taking general purpose treatment for their diseases (1, 2). The patients with hormone replacement therapy were not included in the study.

The patients of the main group have been taking Endoluten in addition to the general purpose medicines – 1-2 capsules, 2-3 times a day before meal for 15-30 days depending on intensity of the pathological process.

Examination Methods

Endoluten efficiency study was carried out on the basis of generally accepted examination methods. The patient complaints were assessed and compared; general clinical studies of blood and urine, biochemical blood test, electrocardiogram were carried out. The number and functional activity of peripheral blood lymphocytes were assessed using immunological methods. The hormone content (follicle-stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone) in blood serum was determined using radioimmunological method. An assessment of psychophysiological parameters was made using correction task and Lüscher test.

Examination Results

Endoluten administration in patients with dyshormonal myocardiodystrophy has resulted in improvement of subjective parameters of the disease, which resulted in decrease in the number of heart pain attacks, increase in working capacity and normalization of psychoemotional condition.

Endoluten influence on the amount of hypothesis hormones in blood serum оf patients with dyshormonal myocardiodystrophy

Table 2

Endoluten administration resulted in positive ECG dynamics. Determination of the level of hormones in the blood serum in patient of the basic group has helped to identify a decrease in the level of initial elevated FSH from 89,3±3,5 mU/ml to 46,8±3,9 mU/ml, while normal range is 1,5-45 mU/ml, and in patients of the control group only to 71,6±6,3 mU/ml, which is reliably lower than the parameter before treatment, however much higher than norm (table 2). The same tendency was observed in the LH content dynamics: in patients of the main group under Endoluten influence this parameter has decreased to normal values, while in the control group it has considerably decreased in comparison with the parameter before treatment, but was much higher than norm. Estradiol content, which was initially reliably decreased in female patients of both groups, has increased from 65,4±5,2 pmol/l to 101,3±7,2 pmol/l and was closer to the normal value (110-734 pmol/l), while in patients of the control group this parameter has elevated only to 79,1±4,2 pmol/l.

The study carried out has helped to identify corrective influence of Endoluten on hormonal disbalance, which resulted in normalization of metabolism in myocardium tissues, which has correlated with improvement of the clinical picture of the disease.

Same tendencies of normalization of the hormonal status were observed in patients with climacteric syndrome of mild and moderate degree: Endoluten results in restoration of the hypophysis hormone balance, which correlated with relief of main symptoms. The results of study of Endoluten efficiency in women with climacteric syndrome are shown in table 3.

According to the table 3, administration of Endoluten in patients with climacteric syndrome resulted in improvement of subjective parameters, which caused a reliable decrease in the number of pain attacks in comparison with the parameters before treatment, in the area of heart, dizziness, heart “freezing” feeling and sleep improvement. Besides it resulted in decrease in the number of complaints of tachycardia attacks, perspiration, hot flashes in the head and upper body, blood pressure fluctuation in comparison with patients before treatment and after treatment using general purpose medicines (table 3). After the course of Endoluten the patient have noticed considerable increase in working efficiency, which they related to normalization of psychoemotional condition. What stands out in the report is the fact, that the preparation effect was characterized by stable aftereffect. So in 1-2 month after the end of the course of Endoluten, the symptoms like dizziness, tinnitus, general weakness, sleep disturbances did not relapse.

Dynamics of subjective parameters in patients with climacteric syndrome

Table 3

Endoluten was also used for complex therapy of men with physiogenic asthenia. The preparation effected marked corrective action on the dynamics of subjective parameters. Men with physiogenic asthenia were complaining of general weakness, dizziness, high fatigability, decreased working capacity and sleep disturbances.

An addition of Endoluten to the treatment schedule of this category of patients resulted in elimination of objective symptoms, which resulted in fast and effective improvement of the general condition, while in patients of the control group, taking only general purpose therapy, the condition improvement was very slow and after the end of treatment subjective neurological symptoms have returned. It is significant that Endoluten treatment has marked aftereffect: after the end of application of the drug the improvement of the patient condition remained and was stable during the whole period of observation – no more than 1-3 month.

Thus Endoluten administration is a perspective direction for the therapy of pathological conditions connected to neurovegative function disorders, including climacteric syndrome, physiogenic asthenia, vegetative-vascular dystonia and other psychovegative disorders.

Oncological patients have been also taking Endoluten, they were the patients mainly with hormone-dependent tumors (breast cancer, cervical cancer and other locations), after surgical treatment and after courses of radiation and chemotherapy as a adjunct to the general purpose treatment. The patients were complaining of un-wellness, decreased muscular tone, decrease in appetite, apathy. Before treatment all the patients had changes of hemogram, mostly leucopenia and lymphocytopenia.

Influence of Endoluten on immunological parameters of blood of oncological patients

Table 4

Endoluten administration in oncological patients of the basic group resulted in reliable increase in the total number of leucocytes, lymphocytes and T-lymphocytes of the blood, and improvement of functional activity of T-cells (table 4). The indicated changes were correlated with positive dynamics of subjective condition: appetite and sleep improvement, increase in the muscle tone, decrease in apathy.

The study results have shown that Endoluten is expedient in oncological patients after the courses of radiation and chemotherapy for improvement of the general condition, keeping an optimum level of hematological and immunological indices in peripheral blood, preventing a development of infectious complications.

Inclusion of Endoluten into the complex treatment of various diseases, related to neuroendocrine regulation disorders, does not result in any side effects, drug dependence, contraindications.

Thus the results obtained confirm treatment and prophylactic efficiency of Endoluten and expediency of its administration in complex treatment and prophylaxis of patients with various pathological conditions and diseases related to neuroendocrine regulation of the main functions of the organism.


The dietary supplement Endoluten normalizes metabolism in neuroendocrine system cells, in particular the pineal gland (epiphysis) and promotes restoration of neuroendocrine regulation and basic functions of the organism.

Endoluten is well tolerated by patients at oral administration; it does not result in any side effects and can be widely used as a treatment and prophylactic dietary supplement.

Recommended Endoluten dosage

· In patients with dyshormonal myocardiodystrophy – per os 10-15 minutes before meal 1-2 capsules 2-3 times a day for 15-30 days depending on severity of the pathological process.
· In patients with mild and moderate climacteric syndrome per os 10-15 minutes before meal 1-2 capsules 2-3 times a day for 30-60 days depending on severity of the pathological process.
· In patients with physiogenic asthenia – per os 10-15 minutes before meal 1-2 capsules 2-3 times a day for 15-30 days depending on severity of the pathological process.
· In oncological patients after radiation or chemotherapy – per os 10-15 minutes before meal 1-2 capsules 2-3 times a day for 30 days depending on severity of the pathological process.
· For prophylaxis in patients, whose professional activity is connected to psychoemotional stress, high physical and emotional loads – per os 10-15 minutes before meal 1 capsule, 2 times a day for 15-30 days.
Carry out another treatment course in 3-6 months if needed. It is expedient to recommend Endoluten for treatment and prophylaxis use.

You can purchase original Khavinson peptide bioregulators from the official US distributor below.


  1. Karpov R.S., SlepoushkinV.D., Mordovin V.F., Havinson V.H., Morozov V.G., Grischenko V.I. Use of epyphisis drugs in clinical practice. – Tomsk: Publishing house of Tomsk university, 1985. – 152 pages
  2. Mashkovsky M.D. Medicines: Pharmacotherapy for doctors, manual: 2 parts. – Vilnius: ZAO “Gamta”, 1993.
  3. Novikov V.S., Smirnov V.S. Immune physiology of extreme conditions. – SPb.: Nauka, 1995. – 172 pages
  4. Pierpaoli V., Regelson U. Magic of melatonin: Translated from English. – M.: Vostochnaya knizhnaya compania, 1997. – 256 pages
  5. Slepoushkin V.D., Anisimov V.N., Havinson V.H., Morozov V.G., Vasiliev N.V., Kosykh V.A. Epiphysis, immunity and cancer. – Tomsk: Publishing house of Tomsk University, 1900. – 148 pages
  6. Teppermen G., Teppermen H. Physiology of metabolism and endocrine system: Translated from English. – M.: Mir, 1989. – 656 pages

Clinical Study of Khavinson A-7 Svetinorm Peptide

The dietary supplement Svetinorm is a complex of low-molecular peptides with molecular weight up to 5 000 Da, isolated from liver of young animals – calves aged up to 12 months. Isolated peptides possess tissue-specific action to liver cells, thus restoring metabolism and normalizing their functional activity.

Svetinorm is manufactured in the form of capsules, containing 10 mg of active peptides. The clinical studies of Svetinorm were carried out at the Medical Center of the Saint Petersburg Institute of Bioregulation and Gerontology of the Northwest Branch of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences in patients with chronic hepatitis and oncological patients after the course of radiation and chemotherapy during the period from October 2005 till January 2006.
Svetinorm was administered per os 10-15 minutes before meal 1-2 capsules 2 times a day for 10-20 days depending on severity of the pathological process.
Now we see an increase in the number of patients with chronic liver diseases, which affect mostly able-bodies persons. They are mainly caused by unfavorable social and environmental factors. Chronic hepatitis is not an outcome of acute infectious process, but the form of clinical course of infectious process (2, 3).
Now the treatment of patients with chronic hepatitis in view of pathogenic mechanisms is carried out using the following traditional therapeutic agents (1):
· drugs, which improve metabolism of hepatic cells (hepatoprotectors, essentiale, legalon, sirepar)
· bile secretion stimulators (Liv-52)
· B group vitamins (B1, B6, B12), ascorbic acid etc.

Clinical characteristic of the patients

The clinical studies were carried out in 47 patient with chronic hepatitis and oncological patients after the course of chemotherapy, including 30 men and 17 women in the age from 35 to 68 years (table 1). The disease period has made from 3 to 10 years old. The patients of the main group have also been taking Svetinorm in addition to the general purpose medicines – 2 capsules, 2 times a day before meal for 15-20 days.
The control groups consisted of 38 similar patients, which have only general purpose treatment.

Distribution of the patients by clinical entities, sex and age

Table 1

Most patients were complaining of the pain in the right hypochondrium, general weakness and rapid fatigability, 73% of patients had dyspepsia. 53% of patients had bilirubinemia, increase in the level of alanine aminotransferase, increase in the globulin fraction of the blood proteins, mainly due to M immunoglobulin fraction, which is a sign of specific activity of chronic inflammation process.

Examination methods

The complaints were assessed subjectively at different times. The following tests were carried out: general clinical test of blood and urine, biochemical and immunological blood test (determination of immunoglobulins using Mancini method), liver ultrasound.

Examination results

After treatment using Svetinorm, most patients noticed elimination of fatigability, improvement of appetite and working capacity. 53% of patients have noticed considerable decrease in intensity of pain syndrome.
Oncological patients have noticed condition improvement, decrease in fatigability, decrease in intensity of dyspeptic disorders.

Influence of Svetinorm on Biochemical parameters of peripheral blood in patients with chronic hepatitis

Table 2

At the analysis of Svetinorm efficiency special attention should be paid to the assessment of the results of biochemical examinations, characterizing aminotransferase activity, pigment and protein-synthesis function of liver. Objectively, most patients after Svetinorm treatment have noticed stabilization of biochemical indices: bilirubin level, alanine aminotransferase level (table 2). Analysis of immunoglobulins of peripheral blood, being significant criterion of activity of inflammatory process after the course of treatment using Svetinorm, has resulted in a decrease in IgM level (table 3).

Thus the obtained results testify hepatoprotective properties of Svetinorm and expediency of its use for complex treatment of acute and chronic liver disorders, in oncological patients after radiation and chemotherapy, and also for prophylaxis of various liver diseases and their complications.
During clinical studies of Svetinorm there were no side effects, contraindications, complications and drug dependence.

Influence of Svetinorm on immunological parameters of patients with chronic hepatitis

Table 3

Recommendations for use

Svetinorm is recommended for acceleration of restoration of liver function at acute and chronic affection, at treatment with antibiotics and other medicines with unfavorable liver effect, at hypoalimentation, in oncological patients after radiation and chemotherapy, at influence on the organism of various factors. It is also indicated to elderly people for maintenance of the liver function.
It is recommended to take Svetinorm per os 10-15 minutes before meal 1-2 capsules, 2-3 times a day for 15-20 days. It may be desired to have one more course in 3-6 months.

You can purchase original Khavinson peptide bioregulators from the official US distributor below.


  1. Mashkovsky M.D. Medicines: Pharmacotherapy for doctors, manual: 2 parts. – Vilnius: ZAO “Gamta”, 1993.
  2. Podymova S.D. Liver diseases. – M.: Medicine, 1984. – 480 pages
  3. Rakhmanova A.G., Prigozhina V.K., Neverov V.A. Infectious diseases: Manual for general practitioners. – M.-SPb.: Pub. “SSZ”, 1995. – 304 pages